Temporary price drop on EMS Timers Professional


Forum Ride Along
Starting July 1, 2016 through July 15, 2016, the price for my EMS Timers Professional app will drop from $9.99 to $4.99, a savings of five dollars! Don't miss this chance to try it out! See my thread elsewhere in this forum for the features of the app. As far as I know, it is the only app in the iOS App Store to offer all of these features:
  1. Records the times of each phase of patient management: dispatch, contact, transport, at hospital, cleared, and in service.
  2. Provides a running elapsed timer to measure total time for the call.
  3. Optionally start a 5 minute or 15 minute patient reassess timer.
  4. Enter detailed biographic patient information.
  5. Enter vital signs.
  6. Enter medical history.
  7. Optionally access a central web site to download authorized text for medical history.
  8. Provides strong password protection by saving the user's password in the iOS Keychain.
I think all of this is worth five bucks! If you don't need to record patient data, features 1 - 3 are available in my EMS Timers Plus app, also on the iOS App Store.

Thanks for your business!;)


Forum Deputy Chief
This is the first time I have seen your post, so I went and read your intro post of this ap.

With any product presentation, you should be able to explain my question/s which follows:

Why? Why would I need this? Why would anyone need this?
What problem does this solve?
How many more problems does it create?


Forum Ride Along
Good questions! I will try to answer them.

1) I will start by saying who would NOT need this: anyone who does not have an iPhone (there is no Android app at present); providers who already have some form of electronic PCR; folks who are unwilling to use a smart phone to record patient data.

2) Why would you need this? I don't know, because I don't know if you fall in one of the above groups.

3) Why would anyone need this? people who work for a service that only has paper PCRs but would like to move gradually toward a full ePCR system at a very low cost; not just in the U.S. but in other countries that may not have electronic PCR systems. The app is set up to screen vital sign entries to make sure they are not out of some reasonable range (like 101 for pulse ox, or 350 for systolic bp). However, if you don't want or need to record vitals or biographic info or medical history, then you can get by with my earlier app, EMS Timers Plus. If you DO want to record patient data, the data is secured by Apple's Keychain password system, which, as I understand it, is extremely difficult to hack (assuming you enter a passcode for the phone). Paper PCRs can get lost or stolen. If an error is made on a line in a paper PCR, then you need to line it out, enter the correct data, and initial it. This app prevents the entry of incorrect data to begin with, and if it is still incorrect, you can go back and change it. Sometimes under the pressure of a patient encounter, one forgets to record vital signs. The app can set a timer to remind the provider every 5 or 15 minutes to do that. The Central Administration feature lets a service standardize on the terminology used to record medical history.

4) How many more problems does it create? I don't know. There are a few dozen users out there of one of my three apps and so far I have not had any complaints emailed to me.

Hope this answers your questions.


Forum Deputy Chief
It sounds like a nice app, but the idea of having to touch my phone while providing patient care just opens up a lot of contamination issues with the phone. Most providers don't take their gloves off in between doing procedures to note times. This does seem like a decent app for IFT where you can set the patient up and then not have to touch them during the transport where this would be useful. Honestly I could use more of a voice recorder app with a time stamp that doesn't require touching the phone at all for when I am dealing with multiple patients at once or a single critical and I'm alone in back. Would be a lot easier then having to glance at the watch and find a piece of paper that won't get tossed immediately to write on.


Forum Ride Along
Good idea! I've thought about adding voice support. Not easy to do with Apple's SDK, though. Would probably require a third-party purchase like Dragon Naturally Speaking. BTW, the current app DOES include an Apple Watch version at no extra charge.

Thanks for the feedback!:)


Forum Ride Along
To everyone:

I just checked with the App Store. The new pricing has not yet gone into effect, but should do so today.