You are aware that elementary school teachers are only required to take one science course to be certified in most states? This course can be in biology, chemistry, intro to science, geology, astronomy etc. I wouldn't call that a background if I were you and I am going to have to completely disagree with your reasoning. I would trust any EMT who has worked for a month and has seen diabetic emergencies over a teacher of even 30 years. Very few teachers in elementary schools, where the students can't monitor themselves, have taken anything past biology 101 (same as high school bio with most of it being about plants and animals, very little human anatomy to be honest).
I'm not saying that I am for or against teachers administering glucagon, especially with such a low risk, but if teachers are administering it, EMT-B's should be as well. As of now, if our diabetic goes unresponsive and we have a blood sugar of 11, we have to wait for ALS to intercept. With glucagon, we could have the opportunity of getting him alert enough in a few minutes for oral glucose.
buzz said:Many require biology, but unless it particular pertains in some way to human physiology or disease processes, I don't see how it makes any difference. Botany is a type of biology--would you consider that useful in regards to this topic (especially considering than an introductory level course would likely meet the requirements)?
Again, what post secondary sciences and education does the average EMT bring to the table???
You both are hitting on a point that is of minor consequence to my point. And my perception of your responses is one of self servance. You cannot actually tell me you believe that a stranger, one with minimal training and education, can be more beneficial in a specific treatment, than one who has an emotional, psychological, and sociological bond with the child. The treatment itself aside, do either of you really believe it serves a better purpose for the pt. if the EMT administers it? Other than a personal wanting to perform a medication administration. Do you believe the child will place more trust in you vs. his/her teacher? That is my point..........................