What sign did I miss? 65 y o female seated in chair (not tripod), pos sob. (l) lung severe rale sound. (r) lung less severe rales. Lower ext edemic. Bp dont quite remember, but somewhat elevated. Son poor historian, so pmh not full. Gave pt nrb 15 lpm. Took min to write down meds for er. If i didnt see improvement w sob on nrb (which son blamed anxiety, altho i blamed on pos fluid in lungs) was planning on bvm. On way to bus, pt rips off nrb. As i bend dow to explain it nrb may feel like its suffocating her, but it's helping, my partner spotted an imminent code sign that i missed and immediately called for als. Her RR rate had slowed some on NRB. Until that moment she pulled it off and immed coded, I was anticipating only assisted vents. Is there some "universal" sign that a chf pt, although seemingly improving w nrb, is about to code? I've had other pts, with all dif diagnoses remove nrb and have had no problem in coaxing it back on, and have never before seen that moment be their last breath. What indicates a chf pt, seemingly improving on nrb, is getting ready to code? Like i said, other pts have removed nrb and been coaxed back into it. Any suggestions?