Stretcher Monkey Photography

No more One Direction posters? Hahaha


Just did this one, to submit to the code Green Campaign, and try and get awareness for responder suicides out.
I've seen it floating around on Facebook today. If you ever want to share some on our page just let me know.

Playing around with a photo I took last weekend, since we haven't had many calls this tour.
Wait what? I haven't seen EMS world this month
Bumping again, since now money from sales goes to my moving fund :p

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Yeah moving!
Where / what is that?
It's the El Camino Real International Heritage memorial, off I-25 in NM about Exit 115 (or so. It's right behind the Ft Craig Rest Area)
Wanted to bump and say that since I have changed locations to the greater Houston Metro, I am willing to take commissions or projects in most of SE Texas! PM me for any projects you need done.