Strange Procedures cause you forgot to remove the patient's ring before doing it.

Heck... you can be really cruel and just squirt ice water in the ear by syringe.

Well, that and for the actually sick patients, this could provide some interesting and useful information.
Just throwing it out there with the arm drop thing..I uh...Heard a story (cough) about a young inexperienced cocky EMT who did this test with a drunk he thought was faking it, and failed to remove the large watch on the pt.'s wrist, and then spent some fair amount of time explaining the beat up nose to the ED doc. :unsure:
how did we get 3 pages into this with no one talking about how unprofessional all your little tricks are.

You can test corneal reflex with eyelashes or actually touching the sclera with the corner of a sterile gauze.

You can elicit pain response with a trap squeeze.

Cold caloric?! Wouldn't that cause more trouble for the medic than everyone other than a braindead person?

Seriously guys.

Linuss, please don't let me catch you thumping patients in the eye.

Truly sad guys.