Still waiting....


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So I converted from PT to FT back in late August in a large 911 system in North Texas with a company we all know too well (starts with an A and ends with an R). I have no quorum with following their training and system preparedness. Although the inefficiency in this system is getting frustrating!!!

I have been "system training" since the 2nd week of September. System training consists of driving and assisting the ALS crew. Very limited patient contact. Initially I was excited about the opportunity due to my lack of knowledge regarding the infastructure of this city. I currently work 12's, Sat-Tues, 2030-0830 and absolutely love it but......

1. No current FTO for pm shifts- I have been waiting on 2 current people to clear for over a month!!! The FTO training consists of a 4+ week program. Both of these individuals are 6/7/8 weeks into their FTO training. One of these glorious individuals has been recycled several times and has bounced from FTO to FTO in an attempt to get him cleared.
We have also had 1 FTO transfer to West Texas, 2 resign as FTO, 1 on FMLA and the other is so burnt out because of the highly intelligent staff that is being thrown at him currently.

2. Uniforms- we are issued 2 pants and 2 class B shirts. Due to ink on both arms I requested long sleeves (I'm a rule follower). Request was granted and the shirts were ordered in early September. I have yet to receive these shirts!!! So... I go online and order 2 cheap shirts from Galls and pay to have all the patches sewn on just so I don't have to wear a white polo style collered shift and stick out like a sore thumb.

Just a friendly reminder that I have been a first responder for almost 2 decades and I left a career in the 6 figures to "save lives"!!! Sometimes it's hard to follow the path paved by God when EMS system inefficiency is such a gi-normous roadblock!!!
I am just curious, but why leave a well paying career when you could keep that job and still do this part time or volunteer?
Basically.... Corporate level leadership burn out.

Not everything in life revolves around a salary. Although my plan to convert into FT EMS was expedited by 2 years with a single event. I walked away from a corporate healthcare director position that managed 23 sites, 275 employees and $13M in budgets back in June. I did some soul searching and decided I had enough. Multiple factors assisted in my decision to make the change. One of the greatest factors was I was finished fighting Dallas traffic everyday!!!! I live in a very rural area 70 miles south of DFW and there is no option of relocating. I made that drive into Dallas for almost 18 years. Secondly, I was honestly tired of all the stress and pressure that comes with corporate level executive leadership. 200+ emails a day, 8-10 meetings day, site visits, budget restraints, staffing ratios, compliance audits, 70+ hour weeks, the phone never stops ringing...... Not to mention wearing a suit 6 days a week.

I haven't been this happy in a looooooooooooooooooooong time!!
You do you boo boo, I was just curious. If you are happy with it, then that's great! Make the most of it. I am sure our resident Texans could give you better career advice than I could. Texas does sound like a good place to work as a medic from what I have gathered.
Sounds like a decent resume and a shout out for a better employer....maybe he didnt see my ad. Hmmmm, LOL
Just thought I would give an update. I finally have an FTO!!! I love every shift and learn more everyday. But now the corporate chef world it calling me. I've had 2 interviews thus far and it will have to be a great organization to pull me off the truck.
I've had 2 interviews thus far and it will have to be a great organization to pull me off the truck.
part-time EMS job, full-time chef?

Bonus point: if you cook for your partner(s) you will never find yourself half-crew.
I'm right there with you. I worked in broadcast management for decades and left for full time EMS in 2008. I got recruited back to what felt
like an amazing corporate position a couple of years ago, moved to Savannah and now, 2 years later, find myself back in EMS (or close to it) and regretting the fact that I ever left.

I left my last radio position willingly, on my own terms, and took a big pay hit to do it. My wife is loving that I'm not nearly as stressed and even though it's busy and I'm felling like I'm barely keeping my head above water with my new responsibilities, I'm happy as a clam.
Not sure yet. "If" I find the right kitchen, commute, pay range.... Then I will continue my VFD work and probably work PT EMS. I can resume my old position working special events but being cleared in the system will give me more opportunities and position options., I am happily employed as an EMT w/FTO.

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