
Hi, I use a dual tube steth which I got as a gift. I have not had any problems listening, in fact, I was the only one to hear the instructors exact BP thumping sounds and correctly identify his normal BP range which no one got in the class. I love it.. I don't know what make it is although I see an ADC stamp on the edge of the bell.


The Sprague-Rappaport style stethoscope is a great tool, I do not think anyone on this site would argue that. The problem most have with them is the environment you use them in. In your doctors office or class they are great, in a busy ER or back of an ambulance they tend to create artifact sounds through the tubing. Regardless of what other people say, use whatever you feel comfortable using. On a side note, I know a doctor who still uses his HP Sprague_Rappaport he got in medical school (circa 1970's).
Why is this not part of the mega stethoscope discussion? Perhaps it can be moved there.
I just spent 100 dollars on a scope. I am sure it is not absolutely necessary, but as I had a little extra money I decided to go for it. I am not sure if it is much different for blood pressure as that is a pretty distinct sound, but I feel like I can hear lung sounds a little better. The earbuds are shaped to sort of seal, which is uncomfortable as hell but blocks out sound better than my old scope.
The Sprague-Rappaport style stethoscope is a great tool, I do not think anyone on this site would argue that. The problem most have with them is the environment you use them in. In your doctors office or class they are great, in a busy ER or back of an ambulance they tend to create artifact sounds through the tubing. Regardless of what other people say, use whatever you feel comfortable using. On a side note, I know a doctor who still uses his HP Sprague_Rappaport he got in medical school (circa 1970's).
Actually, when I did my ER rounds I used it as well.. I heard very clearly, also practice makes perfect! :)
Actually, when I did my ER rounds I used it as well.. I heard very clearly, also practice makes perfect! :)

Excellent point, I know a lot of people who never complain about the scope. I use mine as a back up all the time (keep it in my un-locker at work... another story), and never have a problem with it. Just depends on who you are. Check out the MEGA thread of stethoscopes (which this may well become a part of), you will read posts from people who love/hate every which kind of scope there is... some hate Littmann's, others love them... same with the good old Sprague. Honestly I have to say any style that has made it 60+ years in the field must have something going for it.
Started 7-14. Wow it was almost a month before another one started. :rolleyes:
I've heard that single tube is better the double, I didn't know why though. I've only worked with double and I bought a pretty cheap steth (Will definitely buy a better one)...I'm guessing that's where my trouble with taking BP came in, because I heard other distracting sounds.