Staten Island man dies after being taken down by police

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Niki Caragua

Forum Ride Along
I'm gonna ask this, what credentials or public safety experience do you possess?

My guess is none. So don't try and tell people, who's job you've never done, how to do their job. It's that simple.

Was this whole situation a disaster? Yes, it was. There's no denying that.

The chokehold did not kill him, positional asphyxia did. Are the police responsible? That's up to our justice system to decide. But at what point do we question his personal life choices and there contribution to his death?

Everyone is quick to say **** the police. Not many are quick to praise them.

My point is why not wait and see what happens rather than passing judgement.

On the EMS side there's not much to be questioned...they were wrong no matter which way you twist it.
Actually I mentioned in an earlier post I am a PROUD COMPETENT paramedic of 25 years. Also my brother uncle grandfather and father are all policemen and appalled by this whole situation. Everyone is entitled to opinions some are more ignorant than others but everyone has one. I am a medical professional that has an opinion. Respect THAT. So yes that is my job sir.
No prohibited chokehold, no death...competent emts/paramedics possible resuscitation no getting around any of those facts. Im confident justice will be served here. Also a medical examiner that went to school way longer than you or myself said the hold killed him so what kind of pathology credentials do you have, plus the do you have the autopsy report to say the hold didn't. Lol so funny how average everyday monkeys challenge findings of a prestigious DOCTOR. Please no matter how you spin it doc says choke killed what. Lol im done. Ignorance renders blindness and I need my sight
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