Starting First Job - Advice


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This will be my first post, I've visited this site many times during the past year or so finally made a profile to make posts. It seemed like a good idea since I'm an EMT now.

So I'm starting my first shift on a rig tomorrow with my FTO. My ambulance company mainly runs IFT's from what I understand as well as having a good amount of CCT's. All out of Riverside County, San Diego County, Orange County, and San Bernadino County in Southern California.

I'm not nervous or anything, actually more excited that anything. I'm just looking for some sound advice from anyone who thinks they have something that may help. I'm completely inexperienced other than classes of course. Any insight on what to expect, or really anything will be appreciated. Thank you
Sound advice DEmedic :D
Some of the best advice I was given... Listen more and talk less.
Be friendly. It will help a lot within your company and others. In SoCal you need as many friends as possible to advance haha
This is true of anywhere.
Nobody wants to work with a dbag ahole.

Don't be a know-it-all as a new guy.
Yeah I don't think I'll be talking to much depending on my partner. Just going to ask basic questions and if I feel like shes a talker I'll proceed with my new guy questions.
Is your company based out of riverside county?
Is your company based out of riverside county?

DesertEMT actually we have a few different stations in different countys; San Bernadino County, Orange County, Riverside County, San Diego County, but I'm not exactly sure which one is the "main" county since we do calls in all of them. We also do events like the Wonderland rave that recently passed or MX races.
@ TRSpeed As a new EMT I'm not sure if it's wise to affiliate myself publicly with any specific company on a public forum. :D
@ TRSpeed As a new EMT I'm not sure if it's wise to affiliate myself publicly with any specific company on a public forum. :D

It's ok to admit that some of your ambulances are yellow :P
@ TRSpeed As a new EMT I'm not sure if it's wise to affiliate myself publicly with any specific company on a public forum. :D

lol you gave it away with all those counties and the raves.

It's ok to admit that some of your ambulances are yellow :P

lol I remember those

That would be my guess. They just expanded by buying lexxiom (however it was spelled haha)

Ya I think that's what it was called. First Lynch, then CRA, then lexxiom.
lol you gave it away with all those counties and the raves.

lol I remember those

Ya I think that's what it was called. First Lynch, then CRA, then lexxiom.

I'm still jealous of the ambulance they entered into the Baja 1000 a couple of years ago.
I'm still jealous of the ambulance they entered into the Baja 1000 a couple of years ago.

Yeah that ambulance is a rad machine :cool:

Update on my first day and how it went:

Had a great shift, I was originally suppose to be with a FTO and another EMT, but things ended up getting mixed up and I just partnered up with a different FTO. He was very informative and we ran a couple calls and he let me drive the whole day while we chatted about all kinds of different subjects. Also went on a little adventure around our posting area and I showed him a cool part of Riverside he's never seen.