Well two options for ya boss man. take a semester of light business courses at the college, get an idea, outline it. Then pitch it to possiable partners, also line up your expenses. Think you will burn IVs,O2,Kerlix, all things that can come off as meh inexpensive compared to the Drugs and ect on board, but your burn through them faster. Then keeping your employees in uniforms,proper equipment,newer equipment, making sure it is kept in top shape,ect. I mean I could go on for days. Also look to a smaller community to start up at. As stated prior SB is big. Unlike my area we have 2main stream companies. Mercy and then AMR..with PHI running air transports.
Now for option two. Start it up as a failed plan already, then hire me for 1million dollars, then call for a bailout (because we all need EMS) get your huge bail out check, rename your company and start all over again. LOL!!