
I dont know if you can get one that fast but you WILL NOT do it if I am with you.
Kevd18. Sorry, if you were refering to my post about the 130. I did put Km meaning kilometres (Which is the measure we use in New Zealand) not miles per hour. I did tack next to the KM (81MPH) for my American friends!;)
If we travelled 130MPH on our roads, there wouldn't be any Ambulance officers (EMT's) in this country at all, they'd all be dead, as we don't have any salt lakes to race on! LOL. :P
Also I assume everyone figured those speedo's were in KM's as well, being South Africa!

Cheers Enjoynz

i took the numbers off the speedometers you posted, converted from kmh(your unit of measure) to mph(mine) and arrived at 130ish, far above reasonable, atleast in my area. but to each his own.
I dont know if you can get one that fast but you WILL NOT do it if I am with you.

Just curious, are you talking about the massive amount of speeding seen by the original poster, or speeding in general (a la going the speed of traffic, even if such speed is 10-20 MPH greater than the speed limit)?
Heh, you won't even get pulled over in a regular car for that most times around here. (80-ish, I mean)
Well, you can't be pulled over if the highway patrol is passing you... on the right.
Well, that could get you two tickets then. Impeding the flow of traffic and a maximum speed law (for the outsiders, California has 2 speed laws) violation.
Ha, I'd like to see someone get that combination of tickets and not have it thrown out!
In belgium....

In belgium you may only drive 30km/h faster (code 3) then the allowed speed. When you get caught on a speeding camera driving 90km/h when you may only drive 50km/h you get a ticket. At traffic lights we have to slow down and almost stop. The speeding camera's at traffic lights catch you driving through the red light when you are over 30km/h, then you get a ticket just like any other citizen ( so we must make sure we stay under 30 km/h driving through red lights.. but I guess it's only a good thing.. Better get there 30 sec's later than not getting there at all!à
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Okay, this might just be my silly mind, but if your partner was driving that fast, would you be leaning over his shoulder taking a picture or did the driver take the photo?
Okay, this might just be my silly mind, but if your partner was driving that fast, would you be leaning over his shoulder taking a picture or did the driver take the photo?

It's better if you do that then having them take the picture while driving that fast...
We have similar government policy here at 25k over posted, the law is not written to restrict us however.

Personally, my family comes first, who needs law suits, so I stick to the policy. With MPDS the % of true emergencies is suspect anyways.
ok i work for a private copany and we have gps in the truck not the one we can use buy the kind that tells dispach where and how fast your going at 75mph they get a pop up that states that unit 1 is speeding at 75 and at 85 mph your exssivey speeding and our rules and regs state you can only go 10mph over posted speed limit. not to mention our busses would fall apart above 85mph.
not to mention our busses would fall apart above 85mph.

I thought that's why most ambulance companies used ambulances instead of buses. Not that Wheeled Coach is any better. ^_^
In Texas we have driving with "due regard" to the saftey of others. Department policy is no more than ten mph over the posted speed limit. Going that fast is rediculous.