Speed limits

Do you speed? if so by how much?

  • 0-5 over

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 5 -10 over

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 10- 15 over

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Warp speed (especially on a Code 3)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
yeah well, these new diesles don't exzctly excellerate like the older big block gas jobs....
F$%#*ng governers!!!!! NC state law says use "due regard" but nothing in the stautes say anything about a specified limit
Originally posted by CodeSurfer@Jun 17 2005, 02:03 AM
Some calls are great to go slow on... I wish the guy driving today had thought of that. We had a 93yo female w/ a fractured rib and she was in a lot of pain, but the guy still drove like we were code 3. I swear i felt like rubber banding a glove at his head. :angry:
Yea I would have to agree some calls are great to go slow on I have had a few of those. You know the transfer that should take 45 minutes takes an hour and 15-30 minutes. Cuz you are driving sooo slow people are passing you. Kinda feels odd. And then you have those calls where time to get to scene is 15-20 min your running code 3 cuz it is respiratory distress we got behind a trucker running lights and sirens and guess what He never saw us. We kept trying to pass but kept meeting traffic. Lots of fun it is to drive a big rig with lights and sirens and no one pays attention.
Even better on the freeway when you try to go down the breakdown lane and everyone pulls to the right... right in front of you. Even without the siren.