Specialty in Abused Kids


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While this specialty is needed, it is also a very sad statement about some humans in this country.

New specialty spurs hopes for helping abused kids


Tue Aug 18, 2009

It appeared to be a clear-cut case of child abuse: An infant hospitalized with bleeding in his brain, his father behind bars suspected of shaking the baby.

Only after the boy died without his father at his bedside did doctors realize the bleeding was brought on by a vitamin K deficiency — not abuse.

The field involves not only treating suspected abuse victims but coordinating with police and welfare workers and testifying in court hearings. It will reach a milestone in November, when about 200 doctors sit for a board examination offered for the first time by the American Board of Pediatrics in Chapel Hill, N.C.

Its recognition as a subspecialty also is expected to lead to a formal system of accreditation for some of the roughly 25 child abuse pediatrics fellowship programs across the country for which there is currently no formal oversight.

They note that general pediatricians will continue to handle most of the estimated 3.2 million cases of child abuse reported each year.

That's the saddist thing ever. I have yet to encounter that, and hope that I never have to.
very sad... with all of the attention that child abuse has received it's amazing to me that there is still so little oversight... and sad that the numbers of kids abused is still so high... though one is too many in my book. still, it will be interesting to see what comes from that board meeting.
3.2 mil reported cases does not mean 3.2 mil cases. In gross anatomy lecture today, we started to cover the arm and the professor gave a quick aside about spiral fractures. Long story short, spiral humerus fractures in kids are very often child abuse cases.

Horror case for the father:

Kid fell at school and got a spiral fracture.
Father brings kid to ER.
ER physician calls child protective services with possible child abuse case (mandated reporter).
Father arrested for child abuse and charges were only dropped when the school confirmed that it happened on school grounds after school.
Another case of guilty until proven innocent?
Here are a few more statistics about child abuse.


....however, those reports can include multiple children. In 2007, approximately 5.8 million children were involved in an estimated 3.2 million child abuse reports and allegations.

Almost five children die everyday as a result of child abuse. More than three out of four are under the age of 4.

It is estimated that between 60-85% of child fatalities due to maltreatment are not recorded as such on death certificates.

In 2003, there were 906,000 child abuse convictions

The rate of child abuse is estimated to be 3 times greater than is reported.

The rate of victimization is 12.3 children per 1,000 children

Children ages 0-3 are the most likely to experience abuse. They are victimized at a rate of 16.4 per 1,000

79% of the children killed are younger than 4.

These statistics are from the Administration for Children & Families of the US Department of Health & Human Services "Child Maltreatment Report 2003"

Florida's 2004 Child Abuse Death Review Report

Child Abuse Death Review Team’s 2007 Annual Report
Florida's 2006 overview (slide presentation) of statistics and process.
file:///C:/Documents and Settings/B...5/CERVBN8P/flcadreview[1].ppt#381,1,Florida’s

This is a link to one of our centers that provides support to those abused. The song playing is a tear jerker if you listen to the words closely.

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Interesting, and needed. If I go to medschool, I'll keep it in mind...
Similar to having SANEs - Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners.

Two problems that unfortunately will never go away as long as there are women and children on this planet.
I knew that would be one of the first replies to my post.

Here's the thing. No, I'm not naive enough to think that sexual assault only happens to women and children, but it is definitely a problem of these populations significantly more so than in the adult male population. Yes, sexual assault of men is also very much under-reported, but still... it is estimated that men are victims in 1 in every 10 or fewer sexual assaults.
I knew that would be one of the first replies to my post.

Here's the thing. No, I'm not naive enough to think that sexual assault only happens to women and children, but it is definitely a problem of these populations significantly more so than in the adult male population. Yes, sexual assault of men is also very much under-reported, but still... it is estimated that men are victims in 1 in every 10 or fewer sexual assaults.
I don't think that you're naive about this. But to leave out both men and the elderly and focus instead only on women and children...for whatever reason you did it, it's rather disingenous. This isn't a problem that focuses on, or is because of only 1 or 2 types of people; it's a problem that involves people, period.
Elderly people aren't asexual, and most victims of elderly abuse of all kinds are female. I was including them when referring to "women."

I respect your opinion, but yes I am focusing on women and children, because they are overwhelmingly the victims, and I have no problem placing the concentration on the populations that have been so inordinately and consistently victimized by these forms of abuse through the entirety of history.
Elderly people aren't asexual, and most victims of elderly abuse of all kinds are female. I was including them when referring to "women."

I respect your opinion, but yes I am focusing on women and children, because they are overwhelmingly the victims, and I have no problem placing the concentration on the populations that have been so inordinately and consistently victimized by these forms of abuse through the entirety of history.
Children aren't asexual either; why not just say females? And elder abuse (of all types) is a large, very, very underreported problem. Why not help people focus on that? Wouldn't it be better to make people understand that there is not 1 or 2 groups of people that will be assaulted/abused and realize that it can and does happen to people of all types? I understand why you've got the focus you do, but by ignoring the wider problem doesn't that make it easier for some peoples abuse to be ignored?

I'm not trying to be argumentative, so I'll apologize now. :beerchug:
Friend of mine took her nearly 4 year old to seaworld. He slipped in a puddle from the dolphin feeding tank. Hit the ground hard and bruised his back. At day care a few days later when they were back from vacation, the center called CPS on my friend. My friend doesn't even spank her children. They were investigated for a month. Luckily for them, when they contacted the park about possible camera proof, an employee on the tank remembered the fall and was able to speak their case to CPS.