Something to Cheer Everyone Up

Miss EMT

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Well I had been working all day and I finally got home and was exhausted. Well I was talking to a really good friend of mine on the phone because he called. He was asking how my day was and everything. I told him everything was going great but I think I was getting sick. What happend next was un believeable. He asked me if I had been around any sick people. (the sad thing is that he knows I work at a hospitial and I work in EMS). have been around (basically) nothing but sick people. That's funny. Interesting how people who are not in the field don't always think of those things, huh?
He is in the medical field though:)
I know. Oh well we all have days like that. I have days like that. Its like "I did not just say that out loud"
HAHA LOl You really should start a blog to keep us updated.
I've had something similar. I went to the ER when my gallbladder first started acting up (didn't know what it was and it was sunday night... 10/10 pain, nausea, vomitting, chills, diaphoretic, and I still drove myself) and the doc asked me that. Knowing full well that I worked on an ambulance and on the 10th floor of the hospital. I just looked at him like he was an idiot till he realized what he asked...

His expression was one of 'doh!' He said that if I wasn't around sick people I wasn't working hard enough, he guessed.
ha. very funny. I love when people ask crazy questions. I was getting ready to draw a patients blood and they asked if this was the first stick I have ever done. We was in the room alone, don't u think if this was my first time sticking someone I would have someone with me. :)
I came into a patients room and I said "hi I'm from the lab and I have to get some blood" the patient just said ok. So I get my stuff ready, walk over to the bed, go through all of the steps uncap the needle and get ready to poke them and they ask. "Are you going to stick me with that". (no I was just planning on hitting you in the nose and holding a tube under it to catch the blood). I didn't say that but I really wanted to. lol.
Really start a blog your killing me.
Im not sure exactly what your talking about. Start a blog?
in his defense, you may have had a day where all you got was trauma... rofl... never mind :lol:
wow. I am so beyond confused. I'm just wondering where this thread is going.
I can see him asking if these was any notibly "sick" person, as opposed to trama, and most of the minor stuff we deal with.

"sick" as in infectious to the point of additional PPE.
Well I work as a phelebotomist so I don't deal with trauma in the hospitial setting much. Now in the EMS setting it is a different story. For my friend who asked me if I was around any sick people he was probably tired. I don't think he knew why I was laughing though.^_^