Yep. And if you look at your skills sheet, that is precisely the next step after the initial/primary. There are many questions like this. Most folks scrap their skills sheets once their practicals are over, but they are a guide to the answers.
Got one more for you:
Your patient is a 45-year-old man who was struck by a commuter train. On your arrival the patient is lying on his left side and his right leg has obviously been amputated at the mid-thigh. The patient is ashen white in color, is trembling violently, and has obviously lost a lot of blood. He is awake and struggling to breathe. What is your first priority when caring for this patient?
a. Making sure there are no risks to your safety
b. Assisting the patient's ventilation's with a bag-valve-mask and high-flow oxygen
c. Controlling bleeding from the leg wound
d. Finding the amputated leg
It's the leg right? The answer is always find the leg! LOL! You bring up a good point.....Always take your time and read the question. Sometimes it's only one word that can make an answer wrong.