Should every ambulance have a portable radio?


Forum Deputy Chief
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A question I didn't want to add to a different thread.

Recently, my partner and I have been discussing how we think that the state OWMS needs to start mandating that at least one portable (company radio) be put in every truck. The private service that we work for makes it nessecary for EMTs to use their private cell phones at least once a day to communicate with dispatch, and while posted we are glued to our truck radio. If, while on scene, we need to request ALS or a second unit, we either need to split up, and send someone to the truck, or use out personal cell phones to alert dispatch.
Having a portable would allow us to use an "intermediate" channel (unrepeated) for unit-to-unit communication (between lift assists, etc).

What are your thoughts? I am sure most of you, who are affiliated with fire departments have portables (as demonstrated by the thread below), but do you see it as a required tool or more of a hassle?

I know, working for a private service, that they will do anything to spare a penny, and if OEMS required it, they would fight to a point, then comply minimally. Do other states require them? What is the reasoning?
Hmm.... In my 31 yrs. never worked for a service that did not have a portable radio, in fact we require each person to carry one as well as the Paramedic to carry the company cell phone. This is for safety and communication procedures, which even in the best of times can be confusing. How do you obtain dispatch or notify and discuss scene situations? Again, never heard or seen such...

Sorry, but that is probably the cheapest arse service I have ever heard of... time to move on before the checks bounce.

R/r 911
It's not required in my state, but I believe it should be. You see, you may know what's going on. God may know what's going on. But, if your dispatcher doesn't know what's going on, then you and God had better be on good terms.
We have our truck radios, and each truck has two portables as well. It is in our SOP that both the Tech (medic) and EVO (EMT) both carry their portables at all times,be it on-scene, at hospital, out of the truck at post, etc...
Holy S@#*t batman.Thats not safe. Every truck should have two radios. We had only one for years and fought for two for safety reasons, and got them. State law or not every truck from every employer should have them, no exceptions.
hand helds

Even our small county service bought radios for the in county people and 4 spares for the ones that don't live in county to use when they work. I would not go on a run without one, the portable radios has been a savior many times over. I don't know if it is required by the state, but it should be!!!!!
Portable radios are a life line when you can't get to the ambulance radio...... Food for thought for your service........
we have two, and basically as you can see from the others if you don't...get some.
Come on, you guys act like you really are ever gonna get trapped in a house, by a pt and need to call for help. You know if you asked nicely, the pt will let you run out to the truck to use the radio!:rolleyes:
in ma your going to have a tough time selling that one. the only metro companies i can think of off the top of my head that issue radios are fallon and mercy. mercy is one per truck and fallon i think is two but i may be mistaken. alert had a couple, but not one for every truck.

if its not required, they wont do it.
Come on, you guys act like you really are ever gonna get trapped in a house, by a pt and need to call for help. You know if you asked nicely, the pt will let you run out to the truck to use the radio!:rolleyes:
unless your working an arrest or your stuck out off the highway and you need to get a helo.
So, you are using your private cell phones for company communications? Does your company reimburse you for the minutes used? Is there a policy that details your responsiblity to have a cell phone, make sure it is charged and available so you are able to contact dispatch?

I'd get you and your co-workers to send the company a bill for minutes used for work, requesting reimbursement. I think the company will see its cheaper to buy you radios.
any company ive worked with require us to carry a portable at all times and we have a cell phone on the truck as well...even when i was riding clinicals as a student i was required to wear a portable....

persoanlly i feel safer knowing i have a radio on me and all my crew do as well, plus it makes life easier and your not glued to the truck for twelve hours....
Make it a law? I don't know. Common sense, if you are working 911/residental? Heck yeah!

I carry a portable with me at all times. At the paid squad, we are issued two radios... because I always have mine, my partner sometimes leaves his in the truck. We also carry a nextel with us all the time... because I'm the EMT, I usually get stuck carrying it because my partner doesn't want to :).

At the vollie squad, we only have one per truck. Some of our EMTs don't see the need for the portable... I do. We have a few spare portables for special events, bike team, and if one of the truck portables is OOS.

When I used to work transport... they carried nextels, until they got rid of the nextels to use a buisness-band regional repeater network. We only worked routine transports... so I didn't mind it that much.

I know several EMT's at my station that have been cut off from their vehicle, and perhaps their partner, by a subject in a hostile domesitic situaiton, or a shooting down the block. Cell phones don't like to work in basements.
in ma your going to have a tough time selling that one. the only metro companies i can think of off the top of my head that issue radios are fallon and mercy. mercy is one per truck and fallon i think is two but i may be mistaken. alert had a couple, but not one for every truck.

if its not required, they wont do it.


The reality is, I work for an urban, private, mainly non-emergency service (although we have been taking a lot more emergencies recently). The company survives on dialysis and large hospital discharges, and sees no need for communication they have to pay for, unless mandated by OEMS.

We have a choice when on a nursing floor, leave the patient to find a phone and call dispatch, or take the phone out of your pocket and call. I usually just reach into my pocket.

I'll discuss this with my FS-- see what he has to say about it.

Common sense folks.

Cell phone is never as good as radio.

It's a SAFETY issue. I have not, do not, nor will I EVER work for an agency that doesnt give me a handheld radio. The Agency I work for full time has a mobile radio in the front of the truck, a mobile radio in the module, each crew member has a handheld radio, and each crew has a nextel as well.

The agency I dispatch for has the same setup, except it uses a trunked 800 mhz. system, so the ability to see which EXACT radio that is talking is there. With the addition of AVL (auto vehicle locator), and satellite imagry (sp?) we are aable to keep better safeguards with our crews.

Word to the wise kids .... If your employer expects you to do your job without the safety of a radio... get out now!
If they will only do it if it is state mandated .... GET OUT NOW!
Common sense folks.

Cell phone is never as good as radio.

It's a SAFETY issue. I have not, do not, nor will I EVER work for an agency that doesnt give me a handheld radio. The Agency I work for full time has a mobile radio in the front of the truck, a mobile radio in the module, each crew member has a handheld radio, and each crew has a nextel as well.

The agency I dispatch for has the same setup, except it uses a trunked 800 mhz. system, so the ability to see which EXACT radio that is talking is there. With the addition of AVL (auto vehicle locator), and satellite imagry (sp?) we are aable to keep better safeguards with our crews.

Word to the wise kids .... If your employer expects you to do your job without the safety of a radio... get out now!
If they will only do it if it is state mandated .... GET OUT NOW!

100% Agree. I NEVER go into any call without my portable. On shift it is with me all the time.
The "panic"button has come in handy a few times. Holds the channel open for 10-20 sec so you have your hands free. The alert goes across every radio that is on.
In the city system I work in, each crew member is issued a portable at the beginning of the shift and is expected to have it on their person for the entire shift. Each radio in the system (mobile and portable) has an identifier and is also equipped with a panic button feature which sets off all kinds of alarm bells at dispatch when activated. If you set off the alarm and don't answer your radio, the entire tour plus all the PD they can find will converge on your last known position.
It seems strange that they make you use a PERSONAL phone for contact. Is it one of the conitions to be hired that you own a cell phone? I might be more understanding of a company cellphone, especially if their coverage area is wide, but I see no sense in requiring a personal cell phone.
everybody with REMSI has portable radios, we use them as pagers and we all have identifiers and radio numbers.