Set Medics/Consultants


Crowd pleaser
Anyone have a line on movie and television production work as a medic or medical consultant? Has anyone done this work, either union or non-union? To clarify- I do not mean a private ambo/event company that does standby type stuff at on movies.

Google did not turn up the information I’m looking for. I imagine the consultant aspect is more or a physician/PA type of roll, but I am curious.


Crowd pleaser
No one?


Forum Deputy Chief
Every time one is posted, people slag on it because it’s not $1k a day with all found...


Crowd pleaser
Every time one is posted, people slag on it because it’s not $1k a day with all found...
What does it run? It seems like it would be a fun gig. Every production TV show and movie has at least 1-2 medics.


I know a guy who knows a guy.
Honestly, most of the set medic stuff is”who you know”. The set medic world is small. I got some work when I was in GA by connecting with the Film office. I had much better luck in setting up a business to do event work.


Crowd pleaser
I figured as much. It seems like the same type of gig as contracting overseas when it comes to “getting in.”

Would be a fun side gig one day.


Forum Deputy Chief
These can be. At least Craft Services usually sets a nice feast...:)

Sled Driver

In a Wuhan Wet Market
Anyone have a line on movie and television production work as a medic or medical consultant? Has anyone done this work, either union or non-union? To clarify- I do not mean a private ambo/event company that does standby type stuff at on movies.

Google did not turn up the information I’m looking for. I imagine the consultant aspect is more or a physician/PA type of roll, but I am curious.

Sorry for the slow reply. There were technical issues with opening a new account here. I beleive I can answer most questions that you may have. I have done both Non Union and Union. Send me a PM and we can discuss by phone A-Z of the TV and Film Biz.

Sled Driver

In a Wuhan Wet Market
OK. Does anyone have any questions ?
I would be happy to help, so long as I don't violate any NDA's or Union bylaws.


Crowd pleaser
OK. Does anyone have any questions ?
I would be happy to help, so long as I don't violate any NDA's or Union bylaws.
Why would discussing how to land one of these gigs violate an NDA or Union bylaw? (Serious question). I imagine it is tough to get into, like military contracting, where you may need a secret clearance or the like- still we can discuss companies that hire, how the job is, and how to best go about breaking in and what the minimum requirements are without violating terms of such government clearances.

I am simply looking to break in to the business as a side gig. Does that mean it is out of reach if I don't live in Hollywood? Do those outfits that claim to be contractors like National Set Medics and Amphibious Medics or the like really hire for major productions? Do you have to join the union? Do you need your own kit?

Can you just give us the ins-and-outs of the business.

Thank you in advance.
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Sled Driver

In a Wuhan Wet Market
Disclosing Union contract terms and conditions publicly or other information that is governed by a Productions NDA or the " Start Work " in general, which is very long, thick and drawn up by Lawyers looking to keep all information as air tight as possible so that no information about a show or movie becomes public, is a huge concern for them. Too many times, information gets out that they don't want out there becomes a " Spoiler" for the publics interest in their product, which they literally have millions of dollars invested in keeping secret, only to have someone post videos, photos or information on the internet, which then damages the value of their product. Companies like Marvel and Disney go to great lengths to keep their information secret by constantly changing the name of the production, limiting areas of access on company owned or rented property, having office staff regularly monitor the internet for what is being said about their Show/product, among other tactics they use to keep info secret. Many times it is easy to trace it back to who violated policy and the Start work governs how that will be dealt with, etc. Social Media is monitored closely, sites like, Facebook, Insta, Reddit and the like. Violations will get you fired from your job and banned from all future work with that Production company, possible charges from your Union, among other penalties. Hope that provides a little insight on that. On to more helpful things.

Yes, Union or Non Union you will need your own Kit, which is generally BLS in nature. The extent of that Kit can vary greatly and the " Kit Inventory" is not something governed by Contract, as wages are. So, kit rental fees and the kit inventory are something that is negotiated individually with each Production. Right now, there is talk/movement towards coming up with at least a Basic minimum level of Kit. Items like AED, O2, Epi, etc. would all be on that list.

Once you are Union, you can not work Non Union productions, which means working for companies like Amp Medics would be out. I am not really a fan of them, since I have a good idea of what they get paid and then the low wages they then offer their Medics. That being said, kinda of like a new EMT starting off with a Private Amb. company doing transport work, it is a way to get industry related experience on your resume, so file that under paying your dues in the hopes of building on that to something better down the road. I started off doing Non Union projects on the side, which by chance lead into getting into the Union. You do not have to join the Union, but if you are not a Union member you will be limited to working Non Union jobs, which pay a lot less and have less or none of the other financial benefits of being a Union member. Major productions are all likely to be Union contracts and not hiring any personel from Private companies, in my opinion.

Another way to get started doing Non Union, is by watching for ads, someone posted an ad here for Survivor for example, while the pay was not great, that would be a way to get something onto the resume and to build relationships and Network for future work, which is what the Industry runs on and that is part of what makes it so difficult to break in and get work and stay busy. I generally, do not know about Non Union work opportunities, but when I do, I will be glad to help a brother out and post it here for someone to jump on. Anyone who would like a resume looked at so that the right things leap out at the UPM, AUPM, PC APC, etc. who look at the resumes, you are invited to contact me for an opinion or ideas. What looks good to get you a normal EMS job is not exactly all of what they are looking for to hire you for their job.

I have come to the conclusion that is this Industry, who you know, is more important that what you know or can do. Networking and your relationships is more important that anything else.

Locations you live in: You are correct. If you live in an are that a lot of shooting goes on, then you are much more likely to have opprotunites to get work. Areas like N.Y.C., L.A. / Hollywood, N.J. any city along or near the Hudson River like Paramust, Hoboken, Jersye City, Newark Etc. , Atlanta Ga., Toronto Canada, Chicago, etc. are where the work is. If you see an ad and you get the job you can go there for the duration of the job, like the Survivor example above form that relationship, make that money and then go home. Lots of folks temporarily, or permanantely relocate from an area they live in that has less work opportunites and the wages will be a lot lower and move to where the work is better. Some folks will get an apt. in NYC for example work their 60-70 hours per week then drive to their home in Pennsylvania or Connecticut on the weekends. N.J. Governor passed a law last year for a TV/Film Industry 30% tax credit thru 2028, so they will have work for at least that long, Stages are in construction right now due to this and will come online this year. N.Y. Gov. Cuomo is lowering NY Tax credit from 30% to 25%.

To sum up, it is a great side gig and a great full time job if you can find the right situation.
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Forum Deputy Chief
I think information that was being looked for is the names of companies, like SetMedics, etc. not a long list of the reasons why it’s so hard to get into this top secret gig.

While applicable at some point, a long rambling paragraph about NDAs etc doesn’t bring a thing to the table. You could discuss companies, what wage ranges are out there, differences between EMT and Paramedic (who is the Med Director) what treatments are authorized, you know, BASIC questions.

You aren’t working for the NSA, and any of the above requests don’t violate an NDA.


Crowd pleaser
Interesting details. Thanks for the post @Sled Driver

Can you give a range of pay? Are we talking $100s or $1000s? I assume it varies based on the production, but a ballpark would be nice.

Also, is state licensing or certification required/national registry? Is there a medical director? Do medical consultants operate the same way?

And yes, I concur most things are indeed who you know more so than what you know. Now I know you.
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Crowd pleaser
You aren’t working for the NSA, and any of the above requests don’t violate an NDA.
Sounds a lot like breaking into the mil/gov contract world, except more secretive! TS SCI is no good on the movie set, bro.


Forum Deputy Chief
It’s not hard. Just grab a gig and go from there. These guys make it seem like it’s a secret EMS world.


Forum Deputy Chief
It’s not hard. Just grab a gig and go from there. These guys make it seem like it’s a secret EMS world.
Heck if they revealed how easy it was to get in with the right contacts, then their wages would go down because of all the people trying to get those jobs.


Forum Ride Along
Disclosing Union contract terms and conditions publicly or other information that is governed by a Productions NDA or the " Start Work " in general, which is very long, thick and drawn up by Lawyers looking to keep all information as air tight as possible so that no information about a show or movie becomes public, is a huge concern for them. Too many times, information gets out that they don't want out there becomes a " Spoiler" for the publics interest in their product, which they literally have millions of dollars invested in keeping secret, only to have someone post videos, photos or information on the internet, which then damages the value of their product. Companies like Marvel and Disney go to great lengths to keep their information secret by constantly changing the name of the production, limiting areas of access on company owned or rented property, having office staff regularly monitor the internet for what is being said about their Show/product, among other tactics they use to keep info secret. Many times it is easy to trace it back to who violated policy and the Start work governs how that will be dealt with, etc. Social Media is monitored closely, sites like, Facebook, Insta, Reddit and the like. Violations will get you fired from your job and banned from all future work with that Production company, possible charges from your Union, among other penalties. Hope that provides a little insight on that. On to more helpful things.

Yes, Union or Non Union you will need your own Kit, which is generally BLS in nature. The extent of that Kit can vary greatly and the " Kit Inventory" is not something governed by Contract, as wages are. So, kit rental fees and the kit inventory are something that is negotiated individually with each Production. Right now, there is talk/movement towards coming up with at least a Basic minimum level of Kit. Items like AED, O2, Epi, etc. would all be on that list.

Once you are Union, you can not work Non Union productions, which means working for companies like Amp Medics would be out. I am not really a fan of them, since I have a good idea of what they get paid and then the low wages they then offer their Medics. That being said, kinda of like a new EMT starting off with a Private Amb. company doing transport work, it is a way to get industry related experience on your resume, so file that under paying your dues in the hopes of building on that to something better down the road. I started off doing Non Union projects on the side, which by chance lead into getting into the Union. You do not have to join the Union, but if you are not a Union member you will be limited to working Non Union jobs, which pay a lot less and have less or none of the other financial benefits of being a Union member. Major productions are all likely to be Union contracts and not hiring any personel from Private companies, in my opinion.

Another way to get started doing Non Union, is by watching for ads, someone posted an ad here for Survivor for example, while the pay was not great, that would be a way to get something onto the resume and to build relationships and Network for future work, which is what the Industry runs on and that is part of what makes it so difficult to break in and get work and stay busy. I generally, do not know about Non Union work opportunities, but when I do, I will be glad to help a brother out and post it here for someone to jump on. Anyone who would like a resume looked at so that the right things leap out at the UPM, AUPM, PC APC, etc. who look at the resumes, you are invited to contact me for an opinion or ideas. What looks good to get you a normal EMS job is not exactly all of what they are looking for to hire you for their job.

I have come to the conclusion that is this Industry, who you know, is more important that what you know or can do. Networking and your relationships is more important that anything else.

Locations you live in: You are correct. If you live in an are that a lot of shooting goes on, then you are much more likely to have opprotunites to get work. Areas like N.Y.C., L.A. / Hollywood, N.J. any city along or near the Hudson River like Paramust, Hoboken, Jersye City, Newark Etc. , Atlanta Ga., Toronto Canada, Chicago, etc. are where the work is. If you see an ad and you get the job you can go there for the duration of the job, like the Survivor example above form that relationship, make that money and then go home. Lots of folks temporarily, or permanantely relocate from an area they live in that has less work opportunites and the wages will be a lot lower and move to where the work is better. Some folks will get an apt. in NYC for example work their 60-70 hours per week then drive to their home in Pennsylvania or Connecticut on the weekends. N.J. Governor passed a law last year for a TV/Film Industry 30% tax credit thru 2028, so they will have work for at least that long, Stages are in construction right now due to this and will come online this year. N.Y. Gov. Cuomo is lowering NY Tax credit from 30% to 25%.

To sum up, it is a great side gig and a great full time job if you can find the right situation.
Hi Sled Driver. This is a very informative post. I too would like to know if a medical director is required.


Forum Deputy Chief
I got $500 a day for 2 days this summer, for sitting on a desert site while they tested a new Polaris Ranger: Never even got to see the Ranger, and I had to sign a NDA, just in case someone got hurt and I got to see the Ranger because of that. Sat in my truck, with BLS bag, and cell phone, with number for helicopter if injury was bad enough. Dispatcher for helicopter knew where I was and would launch for me if I called, since they knew me.....
Not bad pay, read 2 new books, played on my phone, took naps. Didn't even have to listen to a radio; and it was a 20 mile drive from home.
Company I sub-contracted for will call me if they get any other jobs in the area (5-7 states) I told them I will drive for that kind of money: A doctor friend set me up with him.
I got a $500 check each day. They cashed ok.