Hello, very informative site. Glad I found it as you guys/gals have a tremendous amount of experience and are very much well respected in my views. First and foremost, EMS/health related is not my primary profession. I work in a large busy metropolitan law enforcement agency and have been here for a little over 29 years. Approximately 15 years ago, I became involved in our tactical team as an ancillary duty to my primary job at my department. My primary role was just a grunt tactical team member. About 7 years ago, I joined our tactical medical team after obtaining my AEMT on the side at a community college. Most recently about 3 years ago, I sought and obtained my Paramedic certification. I ride on local EMS units and work in neighboring ED's in an attempt to stay fresh with my skills and maintain patient contact. With this, I humbly "do not" consider myself a real "medic for obvious reasons. I obtained my latest certification to have a better understanding of the pathophysiology of medicine etc. I thoroughly enjoyed my clinical in the ED and continue to enjoy that side of the health component. I'm not finding myself at a crossroads with retirement and considering continuing on to become an RN or something else in the health field. My concern and I've read some posts that indicate all ages find themselves in schools of this type and that at all junctures of life. Does anyone have any first hand experience of transitioning into an RN role later in life (in the 50's)? I open to any and all suggestions as to how better direct my post career and no better place than to ask real professionals who do this day in and out.