Saudi Red Crescent Authority

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I got an email back from Jay today with AA. I will paste it below.... Given what he said in the email and the copyright notice I found at the end of the protocols we should NOT post them to the publc on the forums with out permission.

The protocols are advanced with RSI, Surgical cric, and plenty of medications to boot. We are having some trouble getting the medicines, but they are coming. I would send you a copy, but do want them to get out and really, it is not my place. As far as equipment, LP12's, EZIO's, and King LT's are just some of what we are using.

Hope that helps and take care,

Jay Paladino
I got an email back from Jay today with AA. I will paste it below.... Given what he said in the email and the copyright notice I found at the end of the protocols we should NOT post them to the publc on the forums with out permission.

The protocols are advanced with RSI, Surgical cric, and plenty of medications to boot. We are having some trouble getting the medicines, but they are coming. I would send you a copy, but do want them to get out and really, it is not my place. As far as equipment, LP12's, EZIO's, and King LT's are just some of what we are using.

Hope that helps and take care,

Jay Paladino
FYI..there was mention of copy rights..On the protocols it does state that we can print one copy for personal use only..SO, with that said...If anyone had knowledge of making a book..i took the pdf files to Kinkos..They are arranged 2-up 8.5 x 11, So we can make a finish size 5.5 x 8.5 complete with spiral binding and clear vinyl cover front and color back cover..printed in black and white for $36 for both have printed in color would have cost 4x as much.. hope that helps!
just a few more days

hey guys, I just recieved the saudi visa after a peculiar process. I was a little nervous about the whole thing until I begin to read thru the comments of you guys that are already paving the way for myself and others. I cant wait to get in an actually start flying as well as making a few dollars and a ton of international experience. See you guys in the next two weeks.
hey guys, I just recieved the saudi visa after a peculiar process. I was a little nervous about the whole thing until I begin to read thru the comments of you guys that are already paving the way for myself and others. I cant wait to get in an actually start flying as well as making a few dollars and a ton of international experience. See you guys in the next two weeks.
Allen did you get your E-Ticket yet? Make sure you check the baggage regs with the connecting flight to your Saudia flight...Did you get the paperwork I sent you?

hey D, got the paperwork and I really appreciate that. I asked to fly out on the 22nd so heres hoping. The 18th will be here before you know it and you will be there. See you in a few days
Arrived 4 Feb

Guys, I arrived on 4 Feb. i have nothing but nice things to say for the folks at SRCA and especially Travis and AJ my rootmies. I am getting along in the process. You must be patient, but the people here treat you well and it feels great to be a part of a team that is making a difference. Looking forward to meeting and helping you guys in the future. And by the way, I have an exentsive military background and it hasn't hurt me one bit. Come see for yourself, don't believe the rumors. The Saudis are a very helpful,friendly, accomodating people and we all want the same thing. Optimal patient care.
Great news!

guys, i arrived on 4 feb. I have nothing but nice things to say for the folks at srca and especially travis and aj my rootmies. I am getting along in the process. You must be patient, but the people here treat you well and it feels great to be a part of a team that is making a difference. Looking forward to meeting and helping you guys in the future. And by the way, i have an exentsive military background and it hasn't hurt me one bit. Come see for yourself, don't believe the rumors. The saudis are a very helpful,friendly, accomodating people and we all want the same thing. Optimal patient care.
It's just about time

Well it's just about time that I get to head over the pond. 12 hours from now I will be heading for frankfurt germany for a 5 hour layover, then to riyadh. Good luck to all of you to follow.
Gidday fellas.

I'm from Tassie and am currently in Riyadh.

E mail me on


I have been following your thread for some time now. A friend and myself are both Advanced Care Paramedics in QLD Australia, we have both just recently started our application Process with SRCA.

Initially we applied to Action Aviation, but alas have no flight experience. So was wondering if any one who may be already over there could help us out by answering a few of our questions.

We are looking to broaden our eperience, and possibly upskill in the process. Does anyone know what clinical proceedures, the guys over there are able to perform, and what Pharmacology they are carrying if any.

We heard a whisper they are not carrying any medications. Hopefully this is inaccurate.
hey Tony glad to hear you made it over! As for all you other guys, I hope to join everyone soon once my visa stuff is complete.
Well it's just about time that I get to head over the pond. 12 hours from now I will be heading for frankfurt germany for a 5 hour layover, then to riyadh. Good luck to all of you to follow.
Hey Helimedic...Goodluck and safe travels...Too bad we didn't get a chance to pound a few beers before you left..but I'll see you in a few days, in a bit warmer weather than we are leaving!!!
Ems p

Hi y'all

I am in Riyadh, KSA. I am a Critical Care Nurse and have EMS experience EMT-P, currently working at one of the hospitals. I knew some of the expats working in the Red crescent in Riyadh last year. There are more than 3 expats working for them from South African, American, Australian and German. Do you know or have contact with any of the guys already there? Best to get in contact as they will have the best advice on what it is really like.

I knew same paramedic there from south african if u need cell phone number just tell me and i brught to u
Cell phones and laptop air cards

Hello everyone. I am supposed to head out in the next week. I am trying to finalize some things. Has anyone researched what is the best cell coverage or if any of the air cards for laptops work overthere. I am sure I am not the only one wondering about this so if anyone has done some research please share. Thanks very much.
In Riyadh on the 25th

Well its finally here. My e-ticket is set for departure from Arkansas on the
24th and in Riyadh on the 25th. Cant wait to meet you guys and start the
7-10 day process of actually signing the contract. Im excited and nervous
about the whole thing, but you gotta do what you gotta do. See you in a bit
Are you all flight medics and comms? Am I the only one going over ground pounding?
I will be a Comm. Spec. for Action Aviation. I should be heading over sometime in the next week.
Saudi Info

Here are a couple of link i thought may be helpful to everyone in their chase to get across the Big pond to the big sand box!
The second link should ber very helpful and answer alot of questions...there is also a word .doc for that if you google it is a auto download.....
Now as i sit here my bags are packed by the door..I'm waiting to fly away on a jet plane..Its too late to turn back now...
I want to take a second to thank everyone here especially Travis and Jay who have answered a million and a half questions i had...I never found this forum til i already had my VISA I am sure if i did i would of already been deployed as I started my venture with the emails back last October and had my offer in before the middle of November thinking i was going to be in country by Christmas..boy was I wrong!
My plane leaves first thing in the morning for my 20plus hour flight from Detroit to Riyadh SA...For those who have gone before me. I look forward to meeting and learning from you and those who are yet to come..I look forward to meeting and help you on your journeys!
Important to note from, what I understand the Action peeps have a different VISA than the SRCA and that is the reason the SRCA is harder to get but the SRCA peeps don't have to leave the country every 60 days for 30 days either from what I have been told.
As i look out my front window to 12" of snow 26 degrees out and snowing blowing and drifting out. I can't help but to think how nice it is going to be when i land to 86 degree plus weather and never have to check another car in the ditch cause they cant drive on snow covered roads!
Well everyone stay safe out their!

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