Saudi Red Crescent Authority

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Hey Travis when you get over find out what meds and equipment is being used on the ground and in the air. In lack of protocols It would be nice to prepare as much as possible for those behind you. GOODLUCK MAN AND TRAVEL SAFE!
PS: Patrick I can not find your book at any local book stores. Can it only be ordered online?

my book

My book just came out on Amazon books in December. It takes awhile to get it into bookstores, but you can buy it off amazon or ask your bookstore to order a copy.

If you get it please let me know what you think.

Thanks for looking

Thanks for the info.

Hi Cali

I am going with Action Aviation on the six month contract with the option to renew or move over to SRCA. I have been in contact with Jay and he has been a great help.I should be going over around the first week or so of February. I will have to go online and get a copy of your book. I read the piece that was on your web site,pretty interesting. Perhaps I will be able to finish the book that I am currently working on while I am in Saudi. I seems that I never have enough time to just sit down and enjoy writing. I published my first[Neck Deep] in 2005. I remember how I felt the day it was available to the public,it was great. Good luck with your book.

If you get it please let me know what you think.

Patrick, thought your book was an excellent glimpse into another world, one called Saudi Arabia. I would say it is well written and filled with many laughs for those of us in medicine, and with good explanations for those not. It's one of few books I've had a hard time putting down - finished it in two days. Thank you for writing it.


Thank you so much for your reply. I am so pleased that you enjoyed the book. It was a labor of love that I worked on for over three years.

So when someone reads my book and likes it. It makes all the work worthwhile. Again thank you so much and all the best. Stay Safe

Patrick Tom Notestine

I sent Gaby my paperwork in Sep, there where a few corrections I had to make, mostly with the passport photos. After I resent what she needed it only took two week - three weeks to get my visa. They are very thourouh, but I find them Friendly and fair, and, hey, it's us looking for a job in their country, I'm sure they wantt he most qualified folks they can get. Feel free to contact me if I can be of assistance. I want to make some great friends out there. Any marathoners?
I sent her everything the week before Christmas, but haven't heard anything back from her yet. I called to make sure she got it and she said she had sent it to the embassy and would let em know if I needed anything else.

Chill man, it'll be cool. They just work at a different pace than us hero types. go for a long run, i actually ran 6 miles this morning at 4:30AM and 5 miles at 1700. Inbetween lifted weights. Great stres reliever guys.
I finely gathered all the papers up and emailed them to Dr. Nakity (employer letters, transcripts ect) Its been a week now and I haven't herd anything?

I depart in about 12 hours. I am going to put together a checklist of documents that are required when I arrive. I know everyone has gotten the letters and all, but I thought it would be nice for you guys if I posted a list of EXACLY what I needed when I arrived and what was stamped, notarized and whatever...

FYI, for those of you packing, Saudia allows you to check two carry on items up to 70 lbs. a piece, and American Airlines will honor that same allotment if you have to fly with them to connect in D.C. or New York. The total size of the baggage cannot be over 105 inches (length+width+height for bag 1 added to length + width + height for bag 2 = < 105 inches) with neither bag being over 65 inches (length+width+height) total size. In addition to those checked items you can have one carry on for overhead storage, and one personal bag like a man purse or satchel or whatever...

Hope this helps you guys. I will spill everything else I know when I arrive!

Schulz, I would give it at least two or three weeks...they are processing more and more people, so I am sure it is taking longer than when I started. Believe me, once the ball starts rolling time seems to fly by...
Such great information here. Thanks to everyone contributing. Great book Patrick, couldn't put it down. Question... I sent my online application at the SRCA website more that 2 weeks ago. I received an applicant number, but no other correspondence. I've been trying to be patient, but am ready to get rolling with all the paperwork. Anybody have any info on how long I should be waiting before I will be contacted?
SRCA Processing

My advice to you would be to start getting your paperwork in order BEFORE they contact you. Once they make initial contact, the faster you can supply them with the necessary papers, the better. If I had known what they wanted and been able to acquire it before they contacted me, I would have deployed maybe 4-6 weeks ago, there timetable not withstanding.

The things that seem to take the longest are letters of confirmation of employment from your previous pertinent employers, letters from your paramedic school, criminal background check, and letter from your licensing authority saying your cert is in good standing...

Either myself or any of the others who are moving along in this process can give you further details should you like...

Also, the only caveat to beginning to get the paperwork together now is that it may all be in vain, There are no guarantees that the SRCA will choose your application and process you... Another option would be to start processing with Action Aviation. It is the same employer (SRCA), Action Aviation is a subcontractor assisting with recruiting, and Action is also responsible for the flight and medical ops right now. There are also people on this forum processing through Action Aviation who can be of great assistance, including Jay (program director in Riyadh), who was mentioned earlier.

As I said earlier, both processes are good, so whichever works for you and gets you over there, is clearly the best...
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I will start getting my paperwork together now. I don't see any reason for for my application not to be chosen outside of fulfilling all their recruitment needs. (unlikely?) I appreciate all the info you have placed here, I will save the rest of us alot of headaches.
If we band together and help each other out this will be a great experience for all....I am happy to provide information helps everyone have a good easy recruitment process and saves headaches...

I am excited to work with you guys and have some fun doing the job that we love!
Travis, dont you have a plane to catch already? PS: I just had a beer for you since its going to be a while before you can have another. fly safe
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