Rural/Metro - Pacific Northwest operations

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Just wondering what kind of things I should be expected to know outside of scenario type stuff they might ask in an interview. I'm sending in an app to them for Spokane for an EMT-B position so I'm just wondering what I might need to know outside of skill related stuff. Thanks in advanced
Spokane, eh? Did they get the contract? I heard the city wanted to loose AMR.
AMR's contract doesnt expire til 2013...they just started up a 3 ambulance crew at the end of January and are right now mainly doing event stuff and private transports (hospital to care facilities type stuff) from what I understood from the email from the HR lady out of Everett.
Hmmm...if they lose Spokane, it could cause a domino effect in a couple other areas like the Tri-Cities, Yakima, and Moses Lake.
Yea, that is what I was thinking. I know Spokane isn't too happy with AMR though. So a lot will have to change b 2013 if they want to stay.
For hiring there is first a knowledge based written test specific to your level of care (EMT, Paramedic, CCT-RN) basedon national standards. The highest scoring applicants are then invited back for a practical skills assessment followed by an oral board interview.
which skills do they usually test on? I'm still looking for that info for washington as I was certified in Cali Nationally so I had to test on 10 skills...I'm just curious which ones I need to refresh myself on. I know them, but its been a couple months since I've gone through them so I know I need to do that again.
Study the Washington State Appendix H practical skill sheets or the national registry practical skills checklists they are very similar.
The U.S. Attorney's Office alleges false claims were submitted for ambulance services in multiple states, including Kentucky.
The U.S. Attorney's Office for the Western District of Kentucky has filed a civil complaint in U.S. District Court against Rural/Metro of Corporation, Rural/Metro of Central Alabama, Inc. and Mercury Ambulance Service, Inc., doing business as Rural/Metro Ambulance.
The plaintiff alleges that the ambulance services created and submitted false and fraudulent records and claims for payment by governmental healthcare providers.

Read the rest here: Clicky
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I'm not sure what your news story had to do with my question either...but I'm sure he's just defending the company he works for
I was just pointing out that Rural Metro is not the only ambulance service with pending litigation. I'm not sure what your point wasin posting that in a thread about Rural Metro Pacific Northwest. We're a long way from Kentucky.
Not to be nitpicky but the one article made it sound like everything was settled out of court and there was no fraud.
Uh no. If you read the article there most definitely was fraud they just agreed to repay the amount overbilled.
Fraud? By ambulance services? It's more likely than you think.
Rural Metro Spokane....Dont do it

I dont recomend applying for RM spokane. They cut the day car and are only averaging 2-4 calls a week. They mat be good people when they are on a call but, they are a joke in this community as they cant market agressively enough to save their life. I dont think they will be in spokane much longer. They also laid off a bunch of the part timers. They are a dieing division that had alot of promise but has flopped
i Just invterviewed for Rual metro over on the west side of Washington, and they only tested on CPR skills/scenario and then 100 question test on text book material.
Hello my name is Justin. i live in the Salem, oregon area and i'm going to chemeketa community college for the EMT Basic course, I went to Rural metro salem today just to get a feel of what the company is like and i was really impressed by them. I plan on doing the EMT B course and then going to work at an ambulance company for a while and then going back later on to become and EMT P. Can you tell me a little more info on rural metro if you wouldn't mind? How much does an EMT B make hourly when they first start out of school and is it possible to work full time with rural metro?? Stuff like that. Just curious

Thanks Justin
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