

Forum Probie
Just wanted to find out what experiences people have had w/the ambulance ride a longs. I need to do one before my class ends and not sure what to expect.


Forum Asst. Chief
Expect the unexpected.
You really cant "expect" anything from the world of EMS. Anything can happen in a shift.. from nothing, to MCI's, codes, anything.
"Prepare for the worst, hope for the best"

Good luck and enjoy!


Forum Captain
Hi, first off, it will be a great experience.

What to expect? That depends from person to person... one person will expect this and the other will expect that from you.

Remember, its gonna be what you want it to be. If you just sit in the corner and do nothing, then thats what you are going to walk away with... a night/day of being bored. But if you get out and ask questions and ask to help with pt care then you will walk away with an awsome experience.

I would recommend asking the medics/emts what they expect from you and what they are will to let you do pt care wise. Then you will not be wondering the entire night, "what should i be doing".

What did I get to do? (I am sure you are talking about EMT-Basic ride along, as you said "need to do one...")

I was able to do a lot of the pt care. The EMTs I rode with would first tell the pt that I was a student and then they would ask permission if they minded me doing care. So yup, I gave it my best shot, and when I messed up the EMT would just step in and take over until I got back on track.

It's hard to say what they are going to let you do and everything.... so just walk in there with a good attitude and lots of questions!


Forum Deputy Chief
I got to do a little, listen to heart sounds, breath sounds. Only got 4 calls so it wasn't a whole bunch. I have another one scheduled up since only two counted towards the required 5. I think it to depends on who you ride with, some people let you do more/less.

FF-EMT Diver

Forum Captain
Ditto with tydek, show them you want to learn, ask questions, help them check off the truck, learn where things are, show a willing attitude to learn, when you have a oppurtunity for Pt. care be confident and do what you feel comfortable with.

I found most Emt's let me do whatever, Most actually sat back and said to let them know what I needed/wanted them to do, If I did not feel comfortable with it I told them so.


Forum Captain
I was doing it in another province just for my own interest, before I took my EMT-B. I only had CPR/FA, so they said they'd have me do compressions if need arose, but nothing else. I had 2 SOBs, 2 chest pains during the 2 days I was there. Not very exciting, but at least it gave me some experience of what it's like to be working in an ambulance before I made the commitment to take the course.