Response Times

Originally posted by rescuelt@Jul 10 2004, 09:29 PM
(CVAC = Commack Volunteer Ambulance Corps)
I thought it stood for

Certifiable, Verifiable Ambulance Crewmember

:P right back at ya!
The department used to issue yellow jumpsuits with reflective stripping and the department name screenprinted on the back. Not sure if they were Nomex or not, but I think they were and were the old brush gear. One of our Engineers still wears his to late-night calls, but I think he's the only one I've ever seen. Most people show up either in uniform (if on-duty), in turnout pants (at night) or with a brush coat or pants over their street clothes (during the day).

TCs are considered like fire calls where you respond to the station to get on an engine (and be in full turnouts) rather than going straight to the scene, with one exception. If you have to drive past the scene on the way to the station and the ambulance is not already on-scene, you can choose to stop and provide medical care.

Depending on the nature of the call, we'll usually shed the turnout coats and helmet once we determine that level of protection isn't needed, particularly if you're doing patient care. We've only had one TC since I've been on that required extrication using any power tools.