Report Instructor?


Forum Crew Member
Well, I'm guessing that the event is long over, and the OP has already done what she's going to do, but I'm going to weigh in here in the hopes of helping the next person.

The best information that you get is by being present at the time. There are hundreds, maybe thousands, of little details that the OP saw that none of the rest of us did. OP, you are in the best position to make a determination about what you saw, and how you feel about it. Those two things should guide you as to your next step.

If you read "The Gift of Fear" by Gavin deBecker, you will read about situations where people have predicted something very accurately based on what seems to be very little information.

Like the time a plain brown wrapped box came into a company, and one coworker said (as a joke) "I'm leaving before that bomb goes off." and sure enough, it was a bomb, sent by the Unabomber. The coworker had headed back towards his office, which probably saved his life.

I have a lot of respect for intuition, hunches, and gut instincts. I am only here because I had a gut instinct to run when someone was trying to kill me.

I think women are belittled for "women's intuition", and students are generally in a position where they doubt themselves, and I think that does us all a big disservice.

So, OP, whatever you think you should have done, I hope you did, because you know more about the situation than any of the rest of us.