Random funny EMS videos

Still the best in my opinion:



This has made the rounds on Facebook lately. I may not agree with all of the attitude and opinions, but at some point or another of almost 9 years in this buisness, I've seen every part of this video at some point or another. Its funny... and sad.

Still the best in my opinion:



Oh man, reminds me an EMT student that was getting the IV line into the hand and turned comletely green before anything began. I thought he was going to pass out or vomit.

These are the kinds of people I bust out the 16 to 12-guage needles attached to the 50cc syringes.

I'm not too sure what became of him.
Still the best in my opinion:



oh absolutely the best one!!! i laugh everytime i see that commerical.
Regarding Firefighter vs. Nursing Home. Ever run into the nursing home that's calling with a dead patient (but pretending it's a heart attack)? Dark humor.