
Duty to act is a myth. The only duty I have when not on the job is to stop and put the patient on a nasal canulla with 2lpm of supplemental "it's not my problem anymore".
I was being sarcastic. I have sufficent personal experience to realize that if you use the wrong pickup line at a bar you may face some testicular pain, which usually goes away 5-10 minutes after the high heal is removed. :P While any testicular pain is bad and not normal, prolonged pain without a trauma/crushing cause is REALLY BAD!

And I was agreeing with you.
Duty to act is a myth. The only duty I have when not on the job is to stop and put the patient on a nasal canulla with 2lpm of supplemental "it's not my problem anymore".

why do you carry O2 when not on duty?

Not trying to be the English police but just in case I have to use the word in a future report isn't it testicular torSion, not tortion?
why do you carry O2 when not on duty?

Not trying to be the English police but just in case I have to use the word in a future report isn't it testicular torSion, not tortion?

Yes, it's torsion.
Kids, don't make me come back there! Duh-OH!

Cut to the chase. Nothing to be done at BLS level, potential for bad things, not in your protocols, so tell him to go see a Dr PDQ. Guessing at diagnoses is pointless and sounds like someone getting free medical advice from ouir Panel of Experts.
PS: Tortion is also correct, just a little more British; "Tort" means "to twist", (hence the word torture), torsion means " a twisting". As an adjective, the testicle is "torqued".

Is anyone else having a pucker moment here?
I'm thinking you missed the joke...

oops, that's what I get for reading after having a meeting with Julius Kessler (Kessler's whiskey for those that actually know more about medicine than alcohol)
PS: Tortion is also correct, just a little more British; "Tort" means "to twist", (hence the word torture), torsion means " a twisting". As an adjective, the testicle is "torqued".

Is anyone else having a pucker moment here?

Yeah, none of those sound really pleasant, I'll pass. :ph34r:
Is anyone else having a pucker moment here?

Actually, if anything, I think this situation is just a tad twisted.

Your groans make me smile.
Thanks everyone for your replies!

NREMT-B Student
You are missing the required equipment to understand.

:o Sympathy pain.

Considering all the things that can go wrong with ovaries, I have little sympathy for twisty testicles.
Considering all the things that can go wrong with ovaries, I have little sympathy for twisty testicles.

That's cold...:sad:

But seriously...torsion is a true emergency that should be seen immediately.....You have roughly a 6-hour window in which to save the testicle, after which the ability to save the testicle decreases significantly.
But seriously...torsion is a true emergency that should be seen immediately.....You have roughly a 6-hour window in which to save the testicle, after which the ability to save the testicle decreases significantly.

It is time that that all Male Americans take a stand now and shout with one stong voice, "SAVE THE TESTIES!" I can see it now: t-shirts, bumper stickers, pins, a 30 second spot during the next Super Bowl. It will be awesome! :P
It is time that that all Male Americans take a stand now and shout with one stong voice, "SAVE THE TESTIES!" I can see it now: t-shirts, bumper stickers, pins, a 30 second spot during the next Super Bowl. It will be awesome! :P

LOL!! That will be the day.