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22 y/o Male PT c/o left testicle pain. PT states pain is 2/10 when not moving with some sharp pains every now and then and 8/10 when PT is moving. No Hx of issues with testicles before. Also no family Hx. This is a PT I seen off duty and I would like to give some ideas of what is happening... also need to know if he needs to be seen at the ED or Doctors office right away.

Any Ideas?
Yes he needs to be seen.

Testicular tortion while not common in that age bracket can be very serious as it is decreased blood flow to that area. It usually self resolves, however an ultrasound is normally done to ensure there is adequate blood flow.

The other condition which immediately jumps to mind is epididmitis which is caused by a bacterial infection and therefore requiring antibiotics.

Regardless of how serious or non serious one thinks pain in the testicles is, I certainly would take no chances and ALWAYS seek a medical doctor's opinion when it involves my boys.
Yes he needs to be seen.

Testicular tortion while not common in that age bracket can be very serious as it is decreased blood flow to that area. It usually self resolves, however an ultrasound is normally done to ensure there is adequate blood flow.

The other condition which immediately jumps to mind is epididmitis which is caused by a bacterial infection and therefore requiring antibiotics.

Regardless of how serious or non serious one thinks pain in the testicles is, I certainly would take no chances and ALWAYS seek a medical doctor's opinion when it involves my boys.

Thanks akflightmedic!
1) Why is he your pt off duty?

2) If off duty, reply should always be "Go see a doc". Heck, that holds true even on duty.
1) Why is he your pt off duty?

2) If off duty, reply should always be "Go see a doc". Heck, that holds true even on duty.

I am sorry but even off duty we have the duty to act.
According to who?
According to the Colorado EMS Board.

Most states have no duty to act, and that duty to act consists of stopping at an accident or helping out with a cardiac arrest IF there is even a duty to act in your state.

It does not include being everyone's psuedodoctor when they have a health issue, always always always refer them to a doctor, or your "Oh no, it's not that serious, you don't need a doctor" may prevent them from seeking medical care when they really need it due to a lack of education.

Also, I can't find the law that says Colorado has a duty to act, care to provide it? According to the duty to act thread, Colorado has no duty to act.
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In adition, the duty to act consists mainly of calling for help (911), and providing accurate information, even if you dont stop.
Actually every state has a "duty to act"; it is however they intent and how it is written that makes the difference.
Most states don't care if you're off duty. Of course I don't advertise that I'm an EMT which makes it a completely moot point.
Yes he needs to be seen.

Testicular tortion while not common in that age bracket can be very serious as it is decreased blood flow to that area. It usually self resolves, however an ultrasound is normally done to ensure there is adequate blood flow.

The other condition which immediately jumps to mind is epididmitis which is caused by a bacterial infection and therefore requiring antibiotics.

Regardless of how serious or non serious one thinks pain in the testicles is, I certainly would take no chances and ALWAYS seek a medical doctor's opinion when it involves my boys.

Plus, we are all trained to expose and palpate. Honestly, are you going to have this guy drop trou and grope his jibblies? I wouldn't. I'd tell him to go see a doctor.
Lads easy now he is still learning.

And i could see a situation where the pt was a friend. and the OP said go off and get it checked out but was looking for ideas as to what it could have been.

And a personal opinon, LOOK AT WHAT YOUR TALKING ABOUT. i would't take half a chance. I only get 2 and would still like both.
Lads easy now he is still learning.

And i could see a situation where the pt was a friend. and the OP said go off and get it checked out but was looking for ideas as to what it could have been.

And a personal opinon, LOOK AT WHAT YOUR TALKING ABOUT. i would't take half a chance. I only get 2 and would still like both.

Absolutely no disprespect intended. Just putting it in plain English. I do not have the grammar savy to type tone of voice. Any offense perceived, I apologize.
I think yall are really missing the point of my question... so I will try again...

A 22 y/o PT c/o testicular pain for past 2 days... What do you all think is going on? I am not trying to play doctor or anything of the such. I just want to know what yall think because if this ever happened to me or anyone else I kinda want to know what others think is going on... I also did already before I made this post told my friend to see a MD ASAP.

I think yall are really missing the point of my question... so I will try again...

A 22 y/o PT c/o testicular pain for past 2 days... What do you all think is going on? I am not trying to play doctor or anything of the such. I just want to know what yall think because if this ever happened to me or anyone else I kinda want to know what others think is going on... I also did already before I made this post told my friend to see a MD ASAP.


For one, not all states has a duty to act. For two, AK already answered your question in his post.
Plus, we are all trained to expose and palpate. Honestly, are you going to have this guy drop trou and grope his jibblies? I wouldn't. I'd tell him to go see a doctor.

Depends. Is he gonna pay me more than I would normally get as an EMT? :unsure:

However, as Sasha said, AK already answered. Go with that. Tell him to see an Doctor because prolonged testicular pain is NOT NORMAL... right? And you really don't want to take chances with "MAN LAND".

I had a similar experience. One of my employees at the Snow Park came into my office/first aid room one day (he had been under the weather for days) and, after making sure that there was complete confidentiality, told me that one of his testicles was tender and (he thought) was slightly swollen. He was also dizzy, congested, and had occasional stabbing abdominal pain x 2 days. He wouldn't let me examine him (for obvious, if not stupid, reasons), not that there was anything I would have done to "fix him" (no pun intended). All I could do was stress to him that "YES, you need to have that checked out by a Doctor." I sent him home immediately so that he could do so, although I believed his pride wouldn't let him. Later that night, the pain, as well as his flu-like symptoms got so bad that his family forced him to the ER. He was in the hospital for almost 3 weeks for reasons that were never made completely clear to me. But from what the employee (a good friend) latter told me, he was immuno-suppressed for some reason which led to several larger issues, including severe pneumonia and what I believe was epididmitis (the bacterial infection to the testicles). In short, I’m sorry he didn’t seek help sooner (typical macho male crap – and I am one), but glad that he was sent home when he was and taken to the ER when he was.

I think yall are really missing the point of my question... so I will try again...

A 22 y/o PT c/o testicular pain for past 2 days... What do you all think is going on? I am not trying to play doctor or anything of the such. I just want to know what yall think because if this ever happened to me or anyone else I kinda want to know what others think is going on... I also did already before I made this post told my friend to see a MD ASAP.


Well, I believe AK's right. Could be Testicular Tortion. However, I have no experience with jibblies outside of my own. I remember having left side penile pain along with left testicular pain about 12 years ago, and I was Dx'd with a probable cystitis. Doc originally thought I had a kidney stone, but nothing passed.

Other than that, Dustin, I have no earthly idea what's going on with your friend. He definitely has my respect.
Depends. Is he gonna pay me more than I would normally get as an EMT? :unsure:

However, as Sasha said, AK already answered. Go with that. Tell him to see an Doctor because prolonged testicular pain is NOT NORMAL... right? And you really don't want to take chances with "MAN LAND".


Any testicular pain is not normal, dear.
Any testicular pain is not normal, dear.

I was being sarcastic. I have sufficent personal experience to realize that if you use the wrong pickup line at a bar you may face some testicular pain, which usually goes away 5-10 minutes after the high heal is removed. :P While any testicular pain is bad and not normal, prolonged pain without a trauma/crushing cause is REALLY BAD!