Question about Burns and EMS

Not to come across as snide or anything but is this really that big of a problem in California? I mean I know there are mountain lions, great white sharks (not that you recover anything they take off), grizzly bears (up north from what I've heard) and dogs, but is it really THAT common? I mean we have a problem with packs of roving dogs here, but it's not very common that someone winds up that badly mauled that they need limbs or skin flaps reattached. How common is it out there?

For the record... the only Grizz in CA is on the flag. Last one was killed in 1922 (a testament to mans destructive nature). But as Vent states this place recieves pts. from othe states too. Assuming that means Nevada, Oregon, and the like (plus CA, the largest pop. in the union) that can be a lot when you consdier both the inductrial accidents and animal attacks. As far as animals go: Mtn Lions, Deer, and other woodland creatures would constitute a small percentage, and I would say that dog attacks are the big one. We have a large population of Hispanics that like their ill-tempered dogs (pits, rotts, chihuahuas, etc...) and CA residents (in general) have a hard time with the whole lease law thing. The rednecks also like their ill-tempered dogs (aussies and boarders tend to be little POS in my area).
For the record... the only Grizz in CA is on the flag. Last one was killed in 1922 (a testament to mans destructive nature).

Thanks for clarifying. I wasn't sure if their range had expanded down into the northern part of CA or not.

As far as animals go: Mtn Lions, Deer, and other woodland creatures would constitute a small percentage, and I would say that dog attacks are the big one.

Oh....deer, forgot how much damage they can do with a kick, or worse, a bite.....horses are even worse....

We have a large population of Hispanics that like their ill-tempered dogs (pits, rotts, chihuahuas, etc...) and CA residents (in general) have a hard time with the whole lease law thing. The rednecks also like their ill-tempered dogs (aussies and boarders tend to be little POS in my area).

This is very true, didn't think about the pet angle of my last calls as a deputy coroner was a woman who was partially consumed (post-mortem it turned out) by her pack of five Chihuahuas. It's amazing how much damage such a small animal can do to a human body. Thanks for answering my question.
Thanks for clarifying. I wasn't sure if their range had expanded down into the northern part of CA or not.

Oh....deer, forgot how much damage they can do with a kick, or worse, a bite.....horses are even worse....

This is very true, didn't think about the pet angle of my last calls as a deputy coroner was a woman who was partially consumed (post-mortem it turned out) by her pack of five Chihuahuas. It's amazing how much damage such a small animal can do to a human body. Thanks for answering my question.

Oh, forgot about horses and other domesticaed animals/livestock. True.

As far as bears go... got black bears still. The last one reported in my neighborhood was last seen walking (two feet) down the road with a bag of chicken feed cluthced in is arms! And Yosemite will occasionally dump their "friendlier" bear up the hill from me. As far as attacks go... Yosemite gets the friendly "used to humans" bears, but I haven't heard of any attacks in my county. Once guy did get eaten. SAR call, missing at the outset of winter, told mom he was going to mediate in the woods. No point last scene. Forest Service and Deputies searched forest roads for truck before roads were closed for winter. Truck was found 6 months latter as snow melted out... in a meadow at @ 7500ft... in front seat... windo smashed out. 350lbs guy half (or more) eaten. Generally considered not to be an attack but probably an MI or CVA or CO2 issue and was eaten after death. No way to know after 6 months and with most of the vital structures missing...
The last one reported in my neighborhood was last seen walking (two feet) down the road with a bag of chicken feed!

Sure it wasn't a sasquatch? ;)

Oh, forgot about horses and other domesticaed animals/livestock. True.

One of the funniest aftermaths to a case I've ever had involved a bull goring. The patient survived and showed up at our station a couple of weeks later on crutches. He asked us to come outside to help us get something out of his truck. It was coolers containing the bull. He had gotten out of the hospital, got home, grabbed his shotgun and you can figure out the rest. Best steak I've ever had.... :)
Sure it wasn't a sasquatch? ;)

Funny you should mention that. My county rates number 3in the incidence of Big Foot sightings in the Nation. tere have been a lot of compelling evidence going back to the 50's. Personally, I don't really believe it, but am open to posibilities. From our local paper. We have a very scientific following around here:

ALAS... no Big Foot attacks needed to be flown out... yet...:unsure:
I smell a new thread....

But seriously, burn tx in the field is mostly stop the buring, treat appropriately, and decide quickly if and how to get pt to definitive care.

Bad burn cases may be stabilized at UCDMC in Sacramento, but they often send burn cases to Shriners' next door. They treated some muzzaheddin during Russian incursion to Afghanistan. ALso, South Kaiser near Elk Grove-Sacto border is putatively a trauma center now also, but UCDMC is still the gold standard here.

PS: hard for deer to bite, lacking upper incisors. Raccoon, possum will do a job. Snapping or soft-shelled turtles (pets or releases) can taker a chunk and fill it with Samonella etc too. Dogs are the biggest biters.
PS: hard for deer to bite, lacking upper incisors. Raccoon, possum will do a job. Snapping or soft-shelled turtles (pets or releases) can taker a chunk and fill it with Samonella etc too. Dogs are the biggest biters.

You don't need to bite to cause severe damage... they have antlers and one hell of a kick... just as my last hound that cot a little too curious and was feeling the pain for some time after...

Do they carry flamethrowers?

Burns are not burns are not burns.
Electrical burns are whole different animal. Treat supportively if needed once the CPR is over and if they are still alive. Transport.

Big item is act FAST to do the best you can to STOP IT. Better garden hose water NOW than SNS fifteen minutes later, and why not the first then the second? Get that chemical off NOW. Get that electricty off the pt SAFELY.
( I bet you thought I was going to write "NOW" again. Scene safety, remember??

PS: read "Death in Yellowstone" for some harrowing burn accounts.
hard for deer to bite, lacking upper incisors.

Cows lack them too, but they can still produce a nasty avulsion as one of my parent's neighbors (a dairy farmer) experienced. I've never seen a deer bite in person, but I've heard a couple of anecdotal reports from docs I know. One involved a child whose parents ran a wildlife farm/petting zoo/rehab center and the other involved a guy who was asleep at a campsite and the deer bit him on the end of his nose.

The lower incisors simply do the shearing while the upper gum acts as a base against which whatever is being bitten is held. The damage is still done, but it is usually far less than what you would see with an animal with upper and lower incisors.
The deer attacking looked really freaking hilarious. Not the guy getting attacked, just the way the deer attacked
AFAIK, the state's only lvl1 trauma center doubles as the state burn center... so most in the state will probably take them to the local ER to get stabilized and then transport here to ABQ. Local counties take to UNMH
The University of Michigan has a specialty unit for Peds in addition to a couple of MICU's that carry additional medical personnel when needed. They also have a surgical theater housed in a semi, although I have not seen it lately..hmm. Choppers are a dime a dozen in this area. Seems every big hospital has one.

As far as who goes where when, refer to local protocols.
Wow, how did the guy explain the deer bite to his NOSE?

My grandfather's old plow horse would watch from the edge of his corral, and if you turned your back he would grab you by the top of your shoulder and clamp down hard.
Seems we need a bite thread.