Pt. Personally thanks EMTs Five Years Later


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Jessica and Cindy Martin waited five years for the chance to say two words: Thank you.
"I've said lots of wonderful prayers for all of you," Cindy Martin told Elizabeth Area emergency medical technicians Terry Halt, Chris Ponchak, Kevin Voytko and Corey Derr.

"A million, zillion times I've said thank you to you."

Cindy Martin and her daughter, Jessica, finally received the chance to thank the EMTs in person Monday. The reunion took pace at Jessica Martin's California University of Pennsylvania dormitory.

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Have any of you had the experience of having a patient thank later?

I've never seen any emergent patient post-hospitalization, and only heard about one through the grapevine.

I've actually had several patients come by the station to thank us. It almost always happens the same way, too.

They'll show up at the station, looking almost too timid to enter. When you ask them if you can help them, they stand up straight and ask to see the medic that worked on them. Once in awhile, they even bring donughts!

It is an awesome feeling when your patient comes in and thanks you, even if it was only a routine transport.
even better when it's the parent of a SIDS save. only bad part is when it's the mother (who happens to be your age), you're in a mall, and you're with your girlfriend (who has no clue what's going on) as mom come's running up to hug you in thanks.

But in general, the feeling cannot be topped.

is it me or do I seem to have a black cloud that follows me around?