

Forum Deputy Chief
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My partner and I were having a discussion about the proper pronunciation of words..... specifically, in this case Pedal, Angina, Rales.

So what is actually the proper way...

Pedal with a long E sound, or Pedal like what you do on a bike.

Angina with a long I, or Angina with 'gin' like the drink.

Rales with an 'ah' sound, or Rales like what you hold onto going up and down stairs.

What are other often mispronounced terms?
Interesting, I looked on the MedlinePlus dictionary and it gave both ways of pronouncing the words, as you point out, with the exception of rales, which it showed being pronounced as rales with an ah or rales with an al (like Ralf).

Here's another one that I was in a conversation with some people over yesterday, how do you pronounce podiatric (as in pertaining to a podiatrist)? Is it poh-dee-ah-tric? Poh-die-ah-tric? Poh-dee-a-tric? (Just looked up the answer, btw)

Very interesting thread, wonder how many other words we are taught to butcher...
The first of all three!
effusion like plural effusion. can be like effusion with a long E sound. or effusion like ef-fuse-ion.
Bradycardia. like Brady-cardia or Brad-e-kardia.
Erythema...Er-y-them-a or i have heard (your-a-theme-ia)
I have more but i will wait.
TCERT: - I say poh-dee-ah-tric

I say Pedal with the long E sound... and that seems to be the "right" way.
Angina, as I've heard it pronounced, has a similar sound to an anatomical finding you only see on a female...:blush:
And the "common" way to say Rales is the same way you say "rails"... I've heard it pronounced with the "ah" sound... and I understand it... but it isn't how I was taught.
tomato tomahto
OK, I just remembered my pet peeve. Ever noticed how some people pronounce "larynx" lair-nix?

And some morons in my EMT class clung to the idea that the word pharmacokinetics was actually pronounced phar-ma-kinetics, but when I tried to tell them they were leaving out an entire syllable, they wouldn't believe me.
I'm with Jon!
This is why I highly recommend a formal medical terminology course. They usually also include a phonetics section as well. Yes, many have dual pronunciation but as well many EMS personnel mispronounce or incorrectly state the words.

I have succumbed to say the words incorrectly because many will look at you that you did not know the proper way, when in fact it is quite the opposite.

Here is some common mispronounced words.

Laryngoscope: correct way is lar (as in larynx)-rang-o-scope; most common way is lar-reng-a-scope

ectopi: correct is ect-o-pie most common: ect-o-pee

Femoral: correct feem-o-ral most fem-more-al

Pedal can be both. I personally say either way (pee-dal) or as in bicycle pedal.

As in any other terminology; a lot is dependent upon location and dialect. Unless someone is really butchering the pronunciation, I will allow or tell them later to prevent embarrassment

Again, most is associated with traditional or common language in that area.
I am frequently corrected by our paramedic when I say Lair-inx as opposed to Lair-nix. But, I also constantly correct my partner when he says "Sang-wich".
how about Creatine....... crea-teen or cre-at-in
The proper pronunciation is crea-at-nin. But some manufaturers of Creatine supplement drinks are trademarked with teh pronunciation of Kree-a-teen.
Until I moved to northern Colorado, I never heard anyone pronounce diabetes "diabe-tus". It drove me crazy at first, now I find it kind of funny.

So is it "dia-be-tees" or "dia-be-tus"?

I'm with TCERT in people pronouncing larynx as "lair-nix" being kind of a pet peeve. I didn't think it happened outside of a few people in my class!
So is it "dia-be-tees" or "dia-be-tus"?

There are countless diabetes pronunciation instructional videos on Youtube.... below you'll find two

Until I moved to northern Colorado, I never heard anyone pronounce diabetes "diabe-tus". It drove me crazy at first, now I find it kind of funny.

So is it "dia-be-tees" or "dia-be-tus"?

I'm with TCERT in people pronouncing larynx as "lair-nix" being kind of a pet peeve. I didn't think it happened outside of a few people in my class!
What's his name... the dude who played the bartender on Walker, Texas Ranger... now doing ads for Liberty Medical. He pronouces it that way.
What's his name... the dude who played the bartender on Walker, Texas Ranger... now doing ads for Liberty Medical. He pronouces it that way.

Wilford Brimley
Great thread here! I took a simple online medical terminology course through a large insurance company back when I was a senior disability claims examiner. The course (while simple) was very informative. I liked the fact that it broke down the terminology in parts and gave the correct pronounciation for each part. ie Hepatitis = Hepat (Liver) and itis (infection/inflamation). Again while it was just a basic course it did give me a good base of understanding going into my EMT course. You gotta love the youtube videos posted earlier!
Wilford Brimley

Wrong. The guy who played C.D. on Walker Texas Ranger was Noble Willingham. Brimley on the other hand first appeared on the world stage in a movie called The China Syndrome. You know, that movie that set U.S. nuclear power plant achievement back 50 years.
Wrong. The guy who played C.D. on Walker Texas Ranger was Noble Willingham. Brimley on the other hand first appeared on the world stage in a movie called The China Syndrome. You know, that movie that set U.S. nuclear power plant achievement back 50 years.

I will concede to being half right (or is that half wrong)

According to

Liberty Medical Supply is a company that sells diabetes testing supplies ... Commercials promoting this service air frequently on daytime TV in the United States and feature veteran character actor Wilford Brimley, who has been the spokesman since 1999