Private EMT Training


Forum Chief
I would hope an EMT-B isn't reduced to being even more "basic" without their truck. There are many EMT-Bs working in different situations that function without an ambulance and with just a well planned trauma bag. This could be a good reason why the actual knowledge and not just tools should be emphasized in training. While the extra tools are very necessary at times, there may be situations that alternatives must be used.

In fact, if this person lives in So. Cal (earthquakes), they should have many of the first-aid supplies, excluding O2, that an EMT would use and readily available regardless of celebrity status. My personal hurricane bag has just a few more items than the commercially prepared bag that is sold at many department stores. It is also similar the the commercially prepared Earthquake bags.

BP cuffs and stethoscopes can be purchased just about anywhere and require minimal training but do require some practice. Doctors now recommend many of their patients to get familiar with these devices on a regular bases so it is not a skill that just limited to medical people. Some working knowledge of CPR should be available to everyone regardless of profession and especially for those that do have children.

Community based training and the ARC have many great instructors that can give more specific training than what an EMT-B class offers. Just glancing through an EMT-B text, one can see it is weak in the areas of water rescue and pedicatrics. People who have gone through all the community based or ARC training courses end up with many more hours than an EMT-B class. However, the EMT-B is not a bad overview of basic first-aid procedures.

A combination of community based classes and EMT-B might give one an idea about what to keep near the pool or what can be used in rescue. Surf boards, ropes, floatation devices and towels can be easily used if a person has had just a little training. The importance of spinal mobilization or when to move or not to move is emphasized in both EMT-B and community bases classes. Control of bleeding is also in both. EMT-B provides slightly more A&P and scene management or safety.


EMS Guru
"2 celebrity EMT's, who'da thunk it?

As for the original poster, I don't really think he was trying to impress anyone with his friend's notoriety/celebrity, sounded like he was explaining that the friend didn't want the attention that would be paid to him/her if they attended a normal EMT class

John E

Actually, Eddie Murphy had became an NYEMS Dispatcher in his early days and soon quit after the abuse.

R/r 911


Forum Deputy Chief
BTW, remember the contribution Bobby Sherman made after his music and acting career. Okay, maybe just Rid and Airwaygoddess will remember. :)

You got that right!!!;):);)


Forum Deputy Chief
All right here we go!!

Here ya go Vent!!!! ( everybody check it out! EMS has got some musicial roots!) B)


Forum Deputy Chief


Forum Deputy Chief
the only thing the ambulacne itself provides is mobility.

you can have everything you have on the rig in a well thought out jump bag.

the rig means nothing, its the proficiency in various skill sets that makes an emt what they are, not a vehicle.


Forum Deputy Chief
the only thing the ambulacne itself provides is mobility.

you can have everything you have on the rig in a well thought out jump bag.

the rig means nothing, its the proficiency in various skill sets that makes an emt what they are, not a vehicle.

Okay, so in our jump kits we have O2, combi-tubes, AEDs, Spinal Immobilization, EKG monitors, traction splints, suction units etc? I don't think so. By myself, without an ambulance I can put pressure on a bleed, do CPR, and possibly splint a fx. All of which are First Aid Skills. My knowledge of how to manage c-spine is only going to help me hold C-spine manually until the board and collars arrive.

In So.Cal. what is the response time going to be from EMS? Minutes? I can't count the number of threads here where newbies are trashed for wanting to carry everything in their jump kits. Mine has some bandaging, BP cuff, pocket mask, penlight and a couple of cardboard splints. Beyond that, I'm simply starting an assessment and planning what I'm going to do when the rig shows up.


Forum Deputy Chief
I have a BP, steth, BVM and about 100 4x4s in the trunk of my car. I've had to pull them out more times than I would have thought.

On that note, anyone else going to Gustav if it's another Katrina?


Forum Chief
Okay, so in our jump kits we have O2, combi-tubes, AEDs, Spinal Immobilization, EKG monitors, traction splints, suction units etc? I don't think so. By myself, without an ambulance I can put pressure on a bleed, do CPR, and possibly splint a fx. All of which are First Aid Skills. My knowledge of how to manage c-spine is only going to help me hold C-spine manually until the board and collars arrive.

In So.Cal. what is the response time going to be from EMS? Minutes?

Private citizens can have AEDs in their homes if someone has a cardiac problem. They are also in health clubs, airports and just about anywhere there will be people.

Maybe I'm dating myself but we didn't have a lot of fancy gadgets back when and yet we still managed to do effective traction and spinal immobilization until more help arrived. Suction units? There are still other ways to clear an airway. Maybe not as effectively but may work until help arrives. For infants, many parents still have the little bulb syringes. The big thing is to have the knowledge to know the airway needs opening and/or clearing.

If you BVM is not available, a pocket mask will do. If it is you own child, I don't believe mouth to mouth will be an issue. If you know how to open an airway and ventilate, a combitube is not necessary.

An EKG machine is also an option for EMT-B since no ACLS will be done. You either have a pulse to work with or you don't.

If you have even been in a large scale disaster such as Andrew or Katrina, you learn not to be so dependent on gadgets but rather your knowledge and what is available or practical for you. There may be limited transport and no electricity or water. Your supplies and resources dwindle fast including oxygen. Even the hospitals are very aware of this. It happened during Charlie in Punta Gorda and Andrew in Miami. The NOLA hospitals definitely learned this the hard and deadly way during Katrina.

In So.Cal. what is the response time going to be from EMS? Minutes?
Just visiting California makes me want to keep and emergency kit nearby. As a Floridian, I really don't care for the ground shaking every few minutes. At least hurricanes can be forecasted and their paths plotted.

I don't believe the person wanted to bypass EMS but rather just do something during those 4 - 6 minutes until help arrives.

I can't count the number of threads here where newbies are trashed for wanting to carry everything in their jump kits.
There is a big difference between an EMS enthusiast running around in a lighted up POV loaded with equipment looking for an accident to happen and a concerned parent.

I taking this person's intention as good since children and pools were mentioned. Those are Florida's concerns also and we do encourage parents to be proactive.
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Forum Deputy Chief
Whenever I see a crash and I respond to help I use use my 4 way hazard lights.


EMS Guru
Whenever I see a crash and I respond to help I use use my 4 way hazard lights.

Whenever I see a crash, I use my cell phone to call 911. So far it has apppeared to help much more than anything else I could do or carry.

R/r 911


Forum Deputy Chief
Whenever I see a crash, I use my cell phone to call 911. So far it has apppeared to help much more than anything else I could do or carry.

R/r 911

Sorry but we disagree there. All the books say we have a moral and ethical duty to stop and help. It doesn't help that some states mandate this (like Vermont) and it doesn't matter if you're off duty.


Forum Deputy Chief
Personally I applaud the intent of the person wanting to know what to do and willing to take the time to learn the skills. But, a well taught industrial first aid class will probably give them as many tools as will be usable to them as an EMT class in a lot less time, with a lot less expense.


Forum Deputy Chief
first off, you let a book tell you what YOUR morale and ethical responsibilities are???

theres very little i can do at the scene off duty. i dont carry the proper equipment to be an effective provider. im not really all that good at the "its going to be ok." hold their hand until the bus arrives type of stuff.

i also, like many providers, am wary about liability. feel free to trot out all sorts of references to good samaritan protection but keep in mind, these laws dont prevent you from being sued. they (attempt) to protect you IN THE CASE OF A SUIT. you're still out the time/effort/expense of the litigation.

also, in most jurisdictions, your authority to practice as an emt is derived from medical medical control which does not cover you off duty. without medical control, you are limited to first aid. what do they teach in the first aid course? "if its red and sticky, put on something white and fluffy". you cant use ANY medications(and yes 02 is a drug), no c-collars, backboards, airway maintenance. 90% of your emt course is rendered null and void without a doc behind you.

of course, none of that applies in places where they let vollies run around uncontrolled. but i live in the most tightly controlled, most overly legislated place i have ever seen. my license is my life and i intend to keep it for a very long time so i dont risk losing it for perfect stranger that im not being paid to help.

on duty, im covered by my state, local and company protocols and authorized to practice as such by my medical control.

off duty, im an average citizen. i'll call 911, but that about it. i try very hard to separate my personal and professional lives.


Forum Deputy Chief
Hey buddy chill out, ok? Sorry if I hold to a moral, ethical and sometimes legal requirement to get out and help. I did this a few years ago and ended up delivering a baby! No joke!


IFT Puppet
first off, you let a book tell you what YOUR morale and ethical responsibilities are???

You do realize every Jew, Chrisitian and Muslim get their morals out of a book, right?

I personally stop in situations I feel that are safe to do so. I usually don't so a hell of alot but it calms everyone down that someone is there that knows what they are doing.


Forum Deputy Chief
You do realize every Jew, Chrisitian and Muslim get their morals out of a book, right?

I personally stop in situations I feel that are safe to do so. I usually don't so a hell of alot but it calms everyone down that someone is there that knows what they are doing.

He didn't know I was referring to the Torah. ^_^


IFT Puppet


Forum Deputy Chief


Forum Deputy Chief
you got me. but you know what i meant.