Princess of the Orca's

Well after more research, medics here do carry guns! At least the SWAT medics do, but they have to be locked up tighter then the White House on election day. Now, all I have to do is find a SWAT team in need of a medic....
EMTPrincess said:
Jon- I think the reason for that is in that area the Medics are also their own Law Enforcement.

I remember my instructor when I was getting my first responder talking about being a medic in La. He told us a story about his partner having to treat a patient and he provided the "scene security" so to speak (or vise aversa).

Not sure if it still that way, but it sounds like it.
Nope... these were regular EMS folks from across the country who came to "help out" - some appeared to ALSO be LEO's, but some just seemed to enjoy the "wild west" outlook.
Hey where can I sign up to be one of these gun toting medics...there are a few parts of town I wouldnt feel safe in a tank...and to think FEMA said they had things in LA under control :rolleyes:
Intresting Twist

Well it would seem as though I am not the Princess of Orcas anymore.

The person who was quickly becoming my favorite psych patient (because she was funny), discovered one of the not so funny things she was paranoid about was true this weekend.

She was found murdered in her home. They are saying on the radio this morning they got the guy. He checked into a San Diego VA hospital and told the cops there what he had done here.


Okaloosa Murder Suspect Sought

A warrant has been issued in the murder of an Okaloosa county woman.
The 53 year old was found dead in her home.

(She) had already been dead for several days when she was found Saturday...
...Deputies say there were obvious signs of a struggle.
Neighbors say the former lawyer from California had been living in the Wright community for about a year....

....please call the Okaloosa county sheriff's office....If you have any information
I don't know how I ever missed this post.. She was a former lawyer? No wonder she was nuts. Well Princess, looks like you're going to have take her place among the elders now...

That was mean I shouldn't kid, I'm sorry she was murdered, it isn't fair...Human or whale.

the more I read tings like this.. the more I worry.... Murdered *shudders* Ill never understand the Human race
ffemt8978 said:
<<<<Ducks for cover (again) :omg:

Duck and Cover?

EMTPrincess said:
She was found murdered in her home.

Knocking off your patients now?

Was the killer a Whale fisherman from Wales?
omgs I love the duck and cover from ebaums!!!!!!!!!!
Yea princess, are you that bored that you have to generate your own calls? J/K- its sad that your pt was murdered, but seems to be alot of that going around this year...just last night someone was murdered outside of one of the local that EMS frequents regularly I might add...and the man was murdered by 3 teenager in an attempt to rob the 4 lives are ruined, one dead from murder, the other 3 facing murder 1, and we love the death penalty here in SC...
FFEMT1764 said:
Yea princess, are you that bored that you have to generate your own calls? J/K- its sad that your pt was murdered,

Well you know...things had gotten pretty boring around here. The holidays are over so all our Psych patients seem to have been either just plain ole boring depressed with suicidal ideation or Psychotic Homocidal Paranoid Schizophrenics that get their Haldol dose before even getting untied from the EMS stretcher.

I'll miss her. She was fun. She wasn't mean at all, and always paid her portion of the insurance when she was either being discharged or admitted. She really was helpful in me reaching my collection goal each month.
FFEMT1764 said:
Yea princess, are you that bored that you have to generate your own calls? J/K- its sad that your pt was murdered, but seems to be alot of that going around this year...

Just this year huh...:ph34r: I am going to ponder that statement some to see if I can apply it to the system I work in...:D
Duck and Cover?

OMG..... My 8th grade American History teacher played that video for us.... I STILL remember it...

Um, Jon, did you also help your daddy dig a bomb shelter in the back yard in the early 60's when that madman parked nukes 90 miles of the coast of FL?
I believe that would have been 20+ years prior to Jon responding to the Delivery room.
wacker, that's from the old civil defense flick, been around since christ was a corporal iirc

FFEMT1764 said:
Um, Jon, did you also help your daddy dig a bomb shelter in the back yard in the early 60's when that madman parked nukes 90 miles of the coast of FL?
Nope.... I would have watched it about 1999, during the Y2K panic....

The teacher had shown it to his classes every year when he started to talk about "Civil Defense" and shelters
I'm aware of that. That is why I posted it. DUCK and COVER
FFEMT1764 said:
Um, Jon, did you also help your daddy dig a bomb shelter in the back yard in the early 60's when that madman parked nukes 90 miles of the coast of FL?

That was in the Hunt for Red October too.