Preschool Providers


Forum Ride Along
I'm 18 and in a Paramedic class. I have never had problems in the field, mostly I think because the guys who I work with are the guys who teach my class (or commanded by one of my teachers) and in the field they treat you with respect. I do get alot of jokes aimed at me about how young I am in class. "Your patient might not be comfortable telling you everything because you don't even look old enough to drive." I do have trouble getting respect outside of work. Nobody thinks I know what I'am talking about when I say something medical or try to help somebody. It is a little frustrating trying to help somebody who is bleeding saying "I'm an EMT do you need help? Your bleeding pretty bad." "NO, my brother in law is an EMT, I know what I'm doing"
as they stuff dirty brown paper towels into their cut while I am holding gause.


Forum Asst. Chief
I'm 18 and in a Paramedic class. I have never had problems in the field, mostly I think because the guys who I work with are the guys who teach my class (or commanded by one of my teachers) and in the field they treat you with respect. I do get alot of jokes aimed at me about how young I am in class. "Your patient might not be comfortable telling you everything because you don't even look old enough to drive." I do have trouble getting respect outside of work. Nobody thinks I know what I'am talking about when I say something medical or try to help somebody. It is a little frustrating trying to help somebody who is bleeding saying "I'm an EMT do you need help? Your bleeding pretty bad." "NO, my brother in law is an EMT, I know what I'm doing"
as they stuff dirty brown paper towels into their cut while I am holding gause.

not to be mean, i dont know you.. but you being 18 and in a medic course scares the crap out of me!! at 18, i know how some of medics in the army are, and you will have a lot more medications and have more responsibilities than my privates.. im sorry but that is just a little scary to me


Forum Deputy Chief
Premium Member
I'm 18 and in a Paramedic class. I have never had problems in the field, mostly I think because the guys who I work with are the guys who teach my class (or commanded by one of my teachers) and in the field they treat you with respect. I do get alot of jokes aimed at me about how young I am in class. "Your patient might not be comfortable telling you everything because you don't even look old enough to drive." I do have trouble getting respect outside of work. Nobody thinks I know what I'am talking about when I say something medical or try to help somebody. It is a little frustrating trying to help somebody who is bleeding saying "I'm an EMT do you need help? Your bleeding pretty bad." "NO, my brother in law is an EMT, I know what I'm doing"
as they stuff dirty brown paper towels into their cut while I am holding gause.

Does something sound wrong with a provider legally handling and administering narcotic medications before they can purchase beer?

Handsome Robb

Premium Member
It's definitely person dependent but I know I was not mature enough to handle the responsibilities of being a paramedic at 18.


Forum Asst. Chief
Does something sound wrong with a provider legally handling and administering narcotic medications before they can purchase beer?

I second this


Forum Lieutenant
I'm 18 and in a Paramedic class. I have never had problems in the field, mostly I think because the guys who I work with are the guys who teach my class (or commanded by one of my teachers) and in the field they treat you with respect. I do get alot of jokes aimed at me about how young I am in class. "Your patient might not be comfortable telling you everything because you don't even look old enough to drive." I do have trouble getting respect outside of work. Nobody thinks I know what I'am talking about when I say something medical or try to help somebody. It is a little frustrating trying to help somebody who is bleeding saying "I'm an EMT do you need help? Your bleeding pretty bad." "NO, my brother in law is an EMT, I know what I'm doing"
as they stuff dirty brown paper towels into their cut while I am holding gause.

i get alot of crap for being the youngest one in my class as well, i will be 21 in april and i finish paramedic school in december, but i have good experience with a very busy 911 service (50,000+ calls a year) so when i speak i know what i am talking about, and they respect me for that, i have also been able to ride with alot of my friends who are incharge paramedics lately and they pretty much let me run the entire call, except pushing the drugs, i tell them what drug and how much etc and the patients feel comfortable around me


Forum Burnout
Premium Member
I became a paramedic when I was 21; I just turned 24 and I STILL look like I'm 12. Nobody that I normally interact with (now or when I first started) ever gives me any grief for being young (now grief for looking young is another story). But I have more than proved myself to be a competent provider.
Every now and then I'll work with a medic that I've never met before. They may ask if I know what im doing, or if I know how to put on a 12-lead (usually they won't even realize I'm a paramedic), then I'll start giving an in depth report, or doing my assessment and they typically retract their comments.

I don't think age plays too big of a role as long as you are competent and able to do the job. If you're 21 (or any age for that matter) and still have the mind-set of a typical 16yo, stay out of my scene. If you're 18years old and know your stuff, I'll be glad to work beside you.


Forum Ride Along
I understand the fear, I really do. Most 18 year old kids are...well...ummm...if you don't have anything nice to say. I have always been ahead of my age I graduated from high school at an early 17 with a year of experience as a dental assistant in my father's office. I then started volunteering in the local ER where I was offered jobs all the time but was never old enough to take them. I was almost the youngest person they have ever had in my basic class, and the same can be said in my medic. But I have always gotten the respect from my teachers and my peers because of my maturity and the fact that I can do my job. That also goes back to the whole topic of this thread the fact that age is given too much wight in this job.


You have my stapler
I was an 18 year old EMT that ran his own unit and a 20 year old paramedic. I was mature enough to deal with medical issues, where I lacked maturity was being able empathize with certain life situations. That only came with age.

I only have two "regrets", if you can really call them that, about starting EMS at a young age. One is certain things I've been exposed to have profoundly colored my worldview, meaning I have a very hard time switching out of the gather and analyze data" mode sometimes. Secondly I occasionally see upper level residents in teaching hospitals that are my age and kick myself for not going that route.


Doogie Howser FP-C
I was an 18 year old EMT that ran his own unit and a 20 year old paramedic. I was mature enough to deal with medical issues, where I lacked maturity was being able empathize with certain life situations. That only came with age.

I only have two "regrets", if you can really call them that, about starting EMS at a young age. One is certain things I've been exposed to have profoundly colored my worldview, meaning I have a very hard time switching out of the gather and analyze data" mode sometimes. Secondly I occasionally see upper level residents in teaching hospitals that are my age and kick myself for not going that route.
That's kind of the point I'm at (well, in a way at least), I'm trying to figure out where I want my career to go from here.


Forum Crew Member
Nothing will ever top my previous partner i dont think... every call ended with

"Well i remember when this last happened to me..." go on a rant about how he saved the world from a meteor and end it with "Man, ive been doing this way way too long..."

one day i decided to ask my 21 y/o partner exactly how long he has being doing "this" to constitute too long...

"Oh man, its about 5 years now"

Then again, this was after he instructed me to "stop playing doctor" while performing an assessment on a fall victim... we had a nice chat about that one


Dodges Pucks
Community Leader
Nothing will ever top my previous partner i dont think... every call ended with

"Well i remember when this last happened to me..." go on a rant about how he saved the world from a meteor and end it with "Man, ive been doing this way way too long..."

one day i decided to ask my 21 y/o partner exactly how long he has being doing "this" to constitute too long...

"Oh man, its about 5 years now"

Then again, this was after he instructed me to "stop playing doctor" while performing an assessment on a fall victim... we had a nice chat about that one

I had no idea my old partner worked in Jersey too. I wish I could have worked back in the day too, 2005 sounds pretty rad.