If its an infant or small child its not uncommon for first responders or other first on-scene personnel to pick the child up and bring them direct to the ambulance as soon as they arrive.
We call this "baby football". It happens all the time because parents are frantic, and then the providers become frantic due to the nature of the scene and lack of experience with neonates, peds, whatever. It's one of the worst things you can do at the scene of a pediatric emergency. It's even a focal point of the PEPP class from the American Academy of Pediatrics.
It makes transfer easier with not having to deal with all the equipment attached to the child. I like to work in my environment where I have everything and can transport with the word go. Who said anything about high rate of speed?
Run implies a high rate of speed.
So why don't we move adult CPR-in-progresses to the truck first, before intubating, putting on the pads, EKG, EtCO2, SpO2, BP cuff, etc? We do this in the field because research has proven time and time again that the effectiveness of resuscitation is directly linked to the time between arrest and initiation of resuscitation.
Don't you think the same is true for neonates, infants, toddlers, and kids in general? If my kid arrests, I sure as hell want you to provide high quality care when you find him unless/until he has a ROSC.
"Run" is often a figure of speech for being expedite and not messing around. I highly doubt she meant she was gonna sprint and do hurdles with the infant on the way to the ambulance.
She said run, which I assumed meant going lights and sirens. Tell me that you are going to drive it nice and slow, non-emergently, and I will say you are not going at a high rate of speed. Otherwise, please note that drivers' emotions have been proven to get the best of them time and time again.
SammyGirlMedic... no matter what you say, your gonna be wrong with these few. Trust me.
Wrong with these few? Perhaps because "these few" know what they are talking about, and choose logic, research, and common sense over emotion.