Prehospital narrative template?

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Everybody has their own style of writing. Mine tends to be very detailed. And they always have a similar layout. However, I don't think the idea of a standardize template that you are asking for is the best option. Every patient encounter is different. Every narrative should be different. If you are truly documenting all of your assessments, treatment and events there is no template, just a format. I think this applies in IFT and 911, both ALS and BLS.
I I created a word document as a template that helps a lot. It's not all inclusive but it helps me ensure I cover everything and I am consistent. Depending on the situation I may have to add or delete stuff but this kinda keeps me on track to make sure I don't forget anything and keeps my reports consistent. At the bottom which is not shown in the screen shot I have sections that lists possible differentials and specific things to include with different complaints. Again its not all inclusive but it helps. If you want a copy DM me and I will send you the document. I have one for medical and one for trauma.
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