Post the # your test stopped at, and if you Passed/Failed

Stopped at 72... waiting for results. Today is Saturday, is it safe to expect results today.. or more likely Monday?
I can't imagine grinding that test out for over 120 questions with prior knowledge that the test shuts off for some at 70 questions. I'd be losing my mind. On top of that, over the weekend. Good grief.
I took mine on a about a miserable weekend.... my wife almost killed me for talking about it all
I took mine on a about a miserable weekend.... my wife almost killed me for talking about it all

I took mine yesterday on saturday (stopped at 71) and I'm waiting for monday. I feel your pain haha
I passed at 70. I had no idea you could go below 70 and still pass. I was told 70 was the lowest amount of questions before it determened you passed or not
80 questions in 45 min and passed !! I did the same post 3 years ago for my emt b and now I'm a medic!!

Passed NREMT today with 68 or 69 questions in about 60 minutes on my first try. I was completely convinced I had failed. Results were in about 5 hours after I finished the exam.:)
Congrats Man. Mine stopped at 72, I thought I needed 4mg. of Zofran I thought I was going to have an emesis attack. I was nervous. But I passed too. But on the contrary, I passed mine a few months ago. No luck finding a job. lots of agencies in MN, especially the large ambulance companies. Are strictly paramedic based. I am only an EMT-B and ERs are hiring ER techs. But I want to work on an ambulance. But most small towns will take EMT-B's but they are volunteer and you get paid per page or transfer. Best of luck to you. I plan on continuing my education to become a surgical technologist, but I want to work in some type of patient care. Not Nursing assistant, I was tired of wiping butts and amongst other things.
Took the test yesterday. I was positive I failed. BUT I passed! I was somewhere in the 70's. Awww yesss
Congrats! Welcome to the EMS family!:) Why I wanted to become an EMT-B is ever since 9/11. I have a love to help people. But I am not going to paramedic school. I have decided to go to surgical technologist training. They make much more money. But I do want to work in EMS on the side.^_^

So I took the NREMT BASIC Yesterday Saturday 4/5 and haven't got my results yet and I'm about to lose my mind has any one taken the test on a sat? Also the test turned me off at 75