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no. if anything, it will force those FD based EMS units to actually follow state standards in regards to ambulance staffing and equipment.
This bill will not help FD start running fired based EMS will it?

Well FD-based EMS already exists in some towns and cities, but only at the BLS level. There are a few FDs (and some other organizations) that do want to go ALS, one being Cherry Hill FD (and I only point them out because they've gone as far as to go to news outlets to plead/whine their case). The talk was that there would be a mechanism by which a non-hospital-based service could go ALS and it would be something along the lines of filing a complaint with the state and the present MICU service, which would set in motion a process that would include a period of time for the present service to respond and then, if needed, time to improve. Only if the MICU didn't improve could the other service (e.g. an FD) then operate under the certificate of need (CON), which would be maintained by the health system that previously covered the area. To me, it sounds like the MICU would have to want to give it up. The EMCAB that was supposed to be put together through legislation was supposed to put forth state-wide response time standards for BLS and ALS. Any challenge to a MICUs CON would probably have to be based on that unless they could somehow prove substandard care or something else, which would probably be against their interest as many of the FDs, etc. have personnel working for the MICU that they would want to take over.

(Disclaimer: the following is RUMOR and may not be true... big grain of salt required.) I have heard rumors that AEMT may be adopted by NJ, which may be in part to placate some of the FDs, etc. that want to go ALS.

But, again, this is all moot unless the legislation is passed. Despite the veto, the fight for the bill will continue.
(Disclaimer: the following is RUMOR and may not be true... big grain of salt required.) I have heard rumors that AEMT may be adopted by NJ, which may be in part to placate some of the FDs, etc. that want to go ALS.

It will be a cold, cold day in Hell before we see that.
It will be a cold, cold day in Hell before we see that.

I'm sorry to say it, but you're probably right. I don't know why, I wonder if the people who were in the EMS study commission ever came south of 195 to see the rest of the state when they say, basically, that Paramedics are always available in a short time frame and hospitals are so very close. The ability to perform a few low risk, high benefit interventions, as well as the benefit of the extra training that comes with an intermediate level... well, who cares about that?

That being said, when I was at the State EMS Conference last year, I spoke to a few of the medical directors in attendance, and the Medical Directors as a whole seemed in favor of the AEMT level. And I've also heard that there are a few AEMT pilot programs planned. Can't confirm that last bit, though.

Of course, as someone who has an intermediate NREMT, I'd like to see it come to NJ. But I'm pragmatic enough to know that I may be retired before we see it.
It is my understanding that the NREMThas decided to make all emts either Basic, Advanced, or Paramedic by 2015
Hi! Overall I liked this bill though there were some things I didn't agree with. The whole state licensing ambulance services, task force sort of stuff I think is great. I don't like changing certifications to licensing just for EMT just because it sounds like a scheme for the state to charge us money. We are still held to the same standards of an EMT whether it says certified or licensed. I really hope that any agency would give a background check to employees anyway. The fact that they are fighting the whole 1 EMT rule sounds absurd. Honestly I think it should be 2 EMT-B minimum. Volunteer and paid should have the same standards. When you call 911 it shouldn't matter who comes to the rescue. The state told me that there was no truth to the AEMT rumors but I would take anything with a grain of salt at this time. Personally I would like it if they started the AEMT level. Anything that helps people get more education and training can be beneficial as well as providing more advanced care before paramedic arrival or if unavailable. The whole medical director and committee stuff sounds good. I think it is crazy that every ambulance does not have a GPS already especially with so many mutual aid calls in unfamiliar areas. EMS in NJ needs a lot of changes and I really hope they stick with it and fix it finally. Good luck!
It is my understanding that the NREMThas decided to make all emts either Basic, Advanced, or Paramedic by 2015

FR, EMT and AEMT are already in play. Current providers have so may years to transition.