Thank You Chimpie,
I have collected a few numbers to call for other organizations and never thought to call the Red Cross, big duh on my part! My Father is in this mess right now, he isn't in New Orleans yet he is still working his way thru MS but on his way there and he said it is just heart breaking to see the people doing without even the basics. He drove over a 100 mile to a WalMart to buy some basic food and water supplies to just hand out to the ones he comes across. He told me he wished he would have taken me with him because of the amount of people he has come across that are in need of medical attention. I too wish I would have went with him, I maybe only one person but one person helping is beter than no one at all. I didn't even think to ask him if he had a camera with him, I will next time I talk to him, he has a hard time getting out on the cell phone it took him two days to even call me back the last time. If he has anything then i will get it for you, it won't be until he gets back because he doesn't "do" computers so I will have to take care of that after he gets back. Again thank you for the info and I will definately call them.