Personal Checks


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I was wondering if anybody knew of a site that could do personalized checks with an ems theme. i could only find anything with fire on them.
I was wondering if anybody knew of a site that could do personalized checks with an ems theme. i could only find anything with fire on them.

After a quick google search, I found these Not sure if thats what you're looking for though.
Is that the same as a cheque?
Prolly. I'm pretty sure it is not the same as a Czech. ;-)

They still make checks?

People still use checks?

Businesses still accept checks??

The only thing I use checks for anymore is for rent payments.
I write checks so infrequently that I've been working on the same box of checks for over a decade. It's so old it's four addresses and three states ago old. I refuse to pay an average of $25 for a box of checks every time I move since I might write 3 of them a year, if that.

Online bill pay, it's the greatest invention since the internet.

You'll probably end up paying over $30 for specialized EMS checks, and that's before you add in any extras, like duplicate checks.