PDA's in EMS


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Do you or the service you work for use a PDA (personal digital assistant) for EMS? If so, what do you use it for (e.g. patient reports, drug reference, procedural reference, etc...)

Personally, I've found that there is some great, free or cheap, software out there for EMS personnel on the PDA. I use it to maintain my own copies of reports that I write (no patient information, just call info), as a drug reference, a hazmat reference, procedural reference (I've converted our protocols to PDA format), and medical reference (anatomy, terminology, medical spanish).
I bought a Palm m130 about two years ago with the intent of carrying it with me while working. I carried it for a few shifts and then stopped due to it being really bulky and taking to long to navigate to what I was looking for. You would think a PDA with EMS software would be efficient but I did'nt think that it was.

I now carry the "paper" ALS field guide and find it much more handier. Plus I was always fearful of letting my PDA lay somewhere and have it grow legs and walk. I bought the MobileEMS software which is really nice to use on station as a reference and stuff.
I use a Handspring Treo 90, which is compact and has a color screen. I agree, though, that the paper flip books are easier and generally faster to use for some things, but the big advantage I see with PDA's is when you're looking up medications. You can download programs that will keep your PDA up to date with all the new drugs out there, and can provide a lot more information about each than a flip book can.
I use a Garmin iQue 3600. It is a GPS unit that talks. It has every address in Michigan and the surrounding states stored. It has all the names of hospitals, nursing homes, places to eat, and all the other points of interests stored.

At night when we get a call, I just write in the address, press "Route to", and within a second or two it will tell me where to go. As I approach a turn, it will say "Right turn in 300 feet" and will display the street name. It also gives me ETAs. I have all the hospitals and posts progreammed into the unit. I just select "Post 400" from the list and it will route me there.

It's also a regular Palm Pilot once you push a button and take it off the base. It's an amazing tool. My partners love it, it saves us a bunch of time and stress. At night it will say "Arriving at destination in 20 feet on right hand side," so if I can't see the address at night, then I still get there.

It's one of the best purchases I've made.
Originally posted by MMiz@Jun 27 2004, 07:33 PM
I use a Garmin iQue 3600. It is a GPS unit that talks. It has every address in Michigan and the surrounding states stored. It has all the names of hospitals, nursing homes, places to eat, and all the other points of interests stored.

At night when we get a call, I just write in the address, press "Route to", and within a second or two it will tell me where to go. As I approach a turn, it will say "Right turn in 300 feet" and will display the street name. It also gives me ETAs. I have all the hospitals and posts progreammed into the unit. I just select "Post 400" from the list and it will route me there.

It's also a regular Palm Pilot once you push a button and take it off the base. It's an amazing tool. My partners love it, it saves us a bunch of time and stress. At night it will say "Arriving at destination in 20 feet on right hand side," so if I can't see the address at night, then I still get there.

It's one of the best purchases I've made.

There is a Palm based Documentation software that I am going to try to talk my boss into getting. It is accepted for PA documentation at the least. If anyone wants to do the research, the program is called EMMA.

I also use a program called AmbTime. It makes it easier for me to keep track of my times.
Originally posted by PArescueEMT@Jan 19 2005, 12:35 AM
There is a Palm based Documentation software that I am going to try to talk my boss into getting. It is accepted for PA documentation at the least. If anyone wants to do the research, the program is called EMMA.

I also use a program called AmbTime. It makes it easier for me to keep track of my times.
It sounds neat. Nearly everyone around here receives times on their pager after we call complete. It shows:
Call Number:
Call Received:
Call Dispatched
Unit Enroute
Unit Onscene
Unit Transporting
Unit Arrived at Hospital

We require these times for the county's run sheet. It's nice having it all on the pager, but when the paging system goes down I feel lost.
Originally posted by MMiz@Jan 18 2005, 10:50 PM
We require these times for the county's run sheet. It's nice having it all on the pager, but when the paging system goes down I feel lost.

Don't worry about it...I have the perfect cure for this. Just follow these steps the next time your paging service goes down, and you won't feel lost again.

1. Find a quiet place.
2. Call your dispatch and request your times. Be sure to write them down on a piece of scotch tape.
3. Place the scotch tape over the display on your pager.
4. Look at your pager and enter your times onto your report and you're done.

:P :P :P
Around here, using a PDA is looked at as not knowing what you're doing (not saying you guys don't, of course). Just recently have I seen people start to carry copies of protocols and the EMS field guides. I have one for ALS, but I only use it to look up medications. At least, that's what I say. ;)
Well I do not really have an opinion on this as of yet. Thanks to ffemt's help I soon will. I am just trying to see which programs are going to be of the most help to me and which ones will just be taking up space. I will deffinately have more to comment on in the near future.
there are also some better language programs that can be very useful...... as well as GPS and drug references, I have the Tungsten E
A private I worked for tried to implement electronic reporting on PDAs. If you were not familiar with PDAs it took FOREVER. Thank goodness it never made it past the trial stage. Now they've got 25 PDAs sitting around collecting dust.
I think Public Displays of Affection have no place in EMS. :lol:
Originally posted by rescuecpt@Jan 20 2005, 05:56 PM
I think Public Displays of Affection have no place in EMS. :lol:
What are you and PARescueEMT doing????

Originally posted by MedicStudentJon+Jan 20 2005, 11:01 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (MedicStudentJon @ Jan 20 2005, 11:01 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-rescuecpt@Jan 20 2005, 05:56 PM
I think Public Displays of Affection have no place in EMS. :lol:
What are you and PARescueEMT doing????

Jon [/b][/quote]
Hahaha... wouldn't you like to know!
Erika, Eighth Grade called, and said you're to report to detention immediately for your reference to Public Displays of Affection! :lol:
Originally posted by Luno@Jan 21 2005, 07:26 PM
Erika, Eighth Grade called, and said you're to report to detention immediately for your reference to Public Displays of Affection! :lol:
Originally posted by PArescueEMT@Jan 21 2005, 10:19 PM
Am I invited Erika? or are we sneaking out for our date tomorrow? B)
Now I will totally bring the fourm to Kindergarten level(You know, last week for some of us) by going:

rescuecpt and PArescueEMT sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G,

First Comes Love, Then Comes Marriage, then comes a little whacker in a baby carriage

:lol: :rolleyes: :D
Thank G*D my BF doesn't read this board...