Patient in shock question


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In class they told us provide high flow 02, keep pt warm, trendelenburg position, rapid transport. And obviously control external bleeding if any unless it's coming from the ears then don't put them in trendelenburg. Anyway I was studying for the NREMT on emtprep I had some questions regarding shock, I don't remember what it was but I answered it regarding putting the patient in trendelenburg. I got the question wrong and it said they should be placed in supine portion?
Class is wrong. NREMT is right. NO trendelenberg.
Agreed. We were taught that unless they need to be tilted (ie heavy prego) always supine to allow for even blood distribution. You put them in Trendleburg and the head is going to get a bit full. ;) i sont even remember in what situations you would ise Trendleberg....
I use modified trendelenburg with the legs up and the head slightly elivated.


I just imagine feet sticking out of the top when you say that :D

I just imagine feet sticking out of the top when you say that :D

No comedy is complete without a scene involving this.

Man with broken leg gets injured on this contraption then launched out a window.