Paramedic thinking of moving to Florida


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I start paramedic school in a few weeks(will be done August '17). After completing this, I am thinking of moving down to Florida (Lee County Area). Wondering how the hiring cycles work down there, if they accept NREMT-P, and if my Indiana Firefighter will transfer down there.

I can't seem to find anything related to this after searching so any of your wealth of knowledge would be appreciated. Thanks!
Any out of state FF certifications has a VERY difficult time of gaining reciprocity. Does it happen, can it theory, yes. Good luck on that endeavor...for some odd reason, fire in FL is special, it is a different kind of fire and you will only know about it if you go to academy here.

I had to repeat the academy in FL as my SC was not accepted. Regardless of how many years I had in service prior, regardless of fact I was prior training officer...had to redo the FL fire academy. In my class was a guy from Ohio and a guy from NY. They were redoing the course as well.

Go to the State page for any additional info as it may have changed or become easier to do since I did it, but I am not holding my breath.

As for your NR EMT-P....I also lack current info. There are some other members who have done it more recently than me...however when I transferred to FL, I was told they accept my NR-EMTP. What this meant was because I had it, I was allowed to automatically challenge the FL State Medic exam. Yep, NR got me an automatic seat without taking an initial training course in FL. Stupid I know but it is all a revenue game.
I think they dropped the state test for registry paramedics as of January. But I'm not positive
Would be right move if they was so stupid the old way. Yes, you have NR ( "a harder test") yet you need to also sit and take our state test cause EMS is different here, same as our fire!
I'm going to jump in here, too. Florida is one of the places as a rookie medic I've considered as a potential spot to work for a while. On another thread, however, the state of Florida EMS seem atrocious and falling apart. Now, how much of that is drama and how much of it is reality I don't know. If you're not interested in FF -- or can't be a FF -- any suggestions on the best places to work EMS 911? I have zero interest in doing nothing but intrafacility transfers. I guess I'm not picky about whether it's a county/city agency or a third service. I'm curious about the current climate within the EMS system down there, too. Is it as horrible as some other threads make it sound?

Okaloosa County, Manatee County, Lee county, Sunstar. Those are the ones I can think of off the top of my head that are private or third service where you don't need to be a FF. Polk County Fire/Rescue hires single role as well... And I think Collier county is still single role third service.
I spent time in Florida. Leon County EMS is in the Tallahassee area, EVAC who runs Volusia County which is near water and the Daytona area. Hillsborough County Fire hires single role as well.