Paramedic School Started


Forum Crew Member
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Finally started classes. Super psyched! Really just wanted to share this. Did my first butterfly sticks and ET tubes today on simulated persons. Awesome.
Where at?
Good luck. It's going to be a bumpy ride :P
Best of luck.... ACC runs a tough program!
I got my EMT-B through ACC, and it is tough, but I am prepared. Thanks all! Off to study!
Im thinking of going to ACC for my paramedic, is it a good program? How many days a weeks do they meet? Do you like it?
Welcome to having no life.
You JUST started and you're already sticking and tubing? Wow that was fast.
ACC has a great program. I looked into it years ago when I lived in Austin. I wish I had gotten my basic there.
Well I have not been on this website for a couple of months, mainly due to how busy I have been. In my opinion, the ACC program is excellent. Right now it meets twice a week from 8am until 3pm. First semester is Intro to Advanced Practices and Patient Assessment and Airway management. You also have all the non-EMS classes if you are going for an Associate's degree. No clinicals during first semester.

Second semester gets a bit trickier, with four Para classes and clinicals, plus my wife is due with our first in late February.

Just tested on heart-sounds, now onto Neurological assessment.

Off to study...
