You can do it! I am currently in Medic school full time, working full time, full time mommy, and already on my clinicals (every Friday night 7pm to 7 am in the ER after a full day at the office YIKES!) My vice of choice is Lo Carb Monster & coffee. =) It can be done. Just have to be honest with everyone around you. My support team is my daughter who will come in my room sits on the pillow next to me with a practice test book and quiz me as I am taking a power nap. GRR! Sleep... its over rated! My friends and family have been told and I tell them to be patient with me, in less than 174 more days, your life could be in my hands. Needless to say they are VERY supportive. Hold your head up and know that it can be done! Just know where your focus needs to be on and go for it. The reward is worth the challenge ahead!
You can do it! I am currently in Medic school full time, working full time, full time mommy, and already on my clinicals (every Friday night 7pm to 7 am in the ER after a full day at the office YIKES!) My vice of choice is Lo Carb Monster & coffee. =) It can be done. Just have to be honest with everyone around you. My support team is my daughter who will come in my room sits on the pillow next to me with a practice test book and quiz me as I am taking a power nap. GRR! Sleep... its over rated! My friends and family have been told and I tell them to be patient with me, in less than 174 more days, your life could be in my hands. Needless to say they are VERY supportive. Hold your head up and know that it can be done! Just know where your focus needs to be on and go for it. The reward is worth the challenge ahead!