Paid Or Reimbursed Paramedic Training


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Hey there, I'm looking at moving to Louisiana because I found an EMS company down there that'll let me work full time and reimburse me for paramedic training. Are there any other options like this out there?
There are plenty of companies nationwide that offer some variety of paramedic certification assistance. In house courses, low/no interest loans, etc. There will always be a catch, usually a length of service contract. This means a balloon payment if you ever separate from the company and may involve other limitations like fixed wages while under contract.

So for example they loan you nine thousand dollars at 0% for school and in return you have to maintain full time employment in good standing for three years at say 17 dollars an hour. If you complete the three years, you become just another employee, eligible for raises and such. If at any time you separate, you owe them 9,000 - 250/month for the time you worked there.

So the take home point is read the fine print. Know what you're agreeing to and try to see the future. It would be problematic if after getting your medic and working for say a year and then you get an offer letter from a fire department. If you don't have the six grand, you're stuck.
The company I'm looking into has only a 1 year contract. Thank You VentMonkey but I'm not willing to move to California.