Pager Call

So, having said that ...........

Again, you are one of the unique situation and are are the unusual. Yeah, I flew into areas where the Trauma Center was hours away and yes even communities that had roving Paramedics. They understood that ALS was more essential in those areas than anywhere else.

Again, you are one of the exceptions and truthfully should be excluded as EMS as more as First Responder agencies that should rendezvous with EMS. Communities doing the best they can and having a back up with professional services to provide ALS and to maintain skill and CEU's.

I have always stated I honor those type of volunteers, for this is where it should be used and be allowable but for communities that can afford and refuse to is negligence to the citizens of that community.

But don't always throw the "rural" flag too high. I have worked as a Paramedic in communities of <1000 people and ED's at the least 45 minutes away. It can occur if properly planned and worked upon. There is a reason so many in the rural does not activate EMS. One can study this by comparing ED visits.

R/r 911
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if you're on call, then you are required to be paid at least minimum wage.

Not true, see the previous links to the DOL website. The DOL has established specific requirements before it dictates that you must be paid.
Let's fix that!

if you're on call, then you are required to be paid at least minimum wage. 25 per call in most places would cover that even if the call took a few hours.

Should have read:

if you're on the THE call, then you are required to be paid at least minimum wage. 25 per call in most places would cover that even if the call took a few hours.

That's what I meant by if the call took a few hours. Should have probably used the word "run" instead of "call" there to avoid confusion. You need not be paid if you are in the comfort of your own home and not unreasonably inconvenienced, but you should be paid at least the minimum wage while you are on the run. Since in most places min wage is pretty low, 25 per run would most likely cover that requirement on any run.