Overweight, Out of Shape, & want to be a Paramedic

I'm in a similar situation currently and already in paramedic school. I'm one of about 15 paramedics/students I can think of that are extremely over weight. In the last month I've bought a bike and started watching a little more closely what I eat and cutting out fast food (I've slipped up lately and I felt terrible about it). I still drink sodas but not like before, before I could almost finish off a 12 pack in a day. My crutch right now though is sweet tea, I generally drink water, sweet tea, or crystal light. I limit myself to one soda if I have to have one, and it's usually something like a Coke Zero or Pepsi Zero, to get the soda feel but not as much bad crap.

When we shop we don't buy beef, anything we use alot that has high fructose corn syrup in it. We buy mainly ground pork and turkey, chicken breasts, salmon, white fish (cod or whatever we can get cheaply). Multigrain breads for our breads, and I allow my self a breakfeast treat of an 'Everything Bagel' from Panera Breads (my wife is a baker there).

My issue has been my eating habits lately. I don't over eat at the meals but I will eat maybe once or twice a day sometimes over a 15-18 hour period.

I ride when possible, at the very least 2 or 3 times a week and a min of 3 miles (very hilly terrain around here). My crutches to take care of still; eating out, soda, my eating habits (times).

count your calories. eat veggies, (lots) and avoid any/all breaded meats and deep fried foods. and stay away from all things white. (white bread, white rice, etc.) and limit yourself to 2,200 cals per day. Ditch the soda ("diet" is "ok" but eventually it's gotta be kicked to the curb 100%) and find a good workout routine for you.

hundredpushups.com + twohundredsitups.com + twohundredsquats.com are good programs. do each one the same day, PU, SU, and squats.

on top with the above mentioned info, You'll drop body fat, and gain muscle mass. (you already have enough body fat to fuel the muscle growth, don't worry about that, and no, I'm not making fun of you in any way, shape, nor form. I'm speaking from experience) and all you're blood work will be astounding. (mine is)

And when your wife starts checking your new pecks, built shoulders, and semi-ripped chest... Oh yeah bro!

If the above aren't that appealing to you, firegrounds.com is an excellent workout routine. do their 28 Day program, to "get into shape" repeat as many times as you need (the 28 days) and than get into L1, L2, etc. etc. as your body becomes more and more ready. Many ways exist that you can go about doing this.

But above all, NEVER QUIT! B)

sparkpeople.com is a good place to begin. There are hundreds of foods listed, recipes, menues, support groups (including an EMS forum), exercise clips and trackers to help you reeducate yourself. Good luck and be well.
count your calories. eat veggies, (lots) and avoid any/all breaded meats and deep fried foods. and stay away from all things white. (white bread, white rice, etc.) and li.....all that by you

I've started a lot of this, I don't really like breaded meats anyways so those are typically not in the diet to begin with. I'm not a calorie counter, I find for me personally if I get bogged down into counting and doing math etc that it's harder for me to watch what I eat cause I eventually say "screw it" and eat whatever anyways. It's going to be a process, exercise I can work on, food is my biggest issue.

If i could afford it, I'd love to meet with a good nutritionist to set out what is right for me but with no insurance to even see my doctor it's tough to get things like that going. Also recently developing a taste for veggies has been a priority but I still am eating things like corn (fresh from a farmers market if I can make it), boiled red potatoes, steamed broccoli, and rice are the majors I eat with dinner. The rice I usually eat is basmati or a wild rice mix. Pasta (whole grain) and red sauces, etc. I would like to broaden my horizons on what to eat, but my wife tends to eat junkier food and doesn't cook full meals like I do so it can be tough.

Biking has worked out great for me and I can already see hte differences, I ALWAYS track my rides and I can see the progress I'm making. (Just recently tackled a hill that when I was considering buying a bike I thought "no way").
I've started a lot of this, I don't really like breaded meats anyways so those are typically not in the diet to begin with. I'm not a calorie counter, I find for me personally if I get bogged down into counting and doing math etc that it's harder for me to watch what I eat cause I eventually say "screw it" and eat whatever anyways. It's going to be a process, exercise I can work on, food is my biggest issue.

If i could afford it, I'd love to meet with a good nutritionist to set out what is right for me but with no insurance to even see my doctor it's tough to get things like that going. Also recently developing a taste for veggies has been a priority but I still am eating things like corn (fresh from a farmers market if I can make it), boiled red potatoes, steamed broccoli, and rice are the majors I eat with dinner. The rice I usually eat is basmati or a wild rice mix. Pasta (whole grain) and red sauces, etc. I would like to broaden my horizons on what to eat, but my wife tends to eat junkier food and doesn't cook full meals like I do so it can be tough.

Biking has worked out great for me and I can already see hte differences, I ALWAYS track my rides and I can see the progress I'm making. (Just recently tackled a hill that when I was considering buying a bike I thought "no way").

If you have corn on the cob. wrap it in tinfoil, throw it in a 450 degree oven for a half hour, to an hour. (or on the GRILL) OMGosh!!!! You don't need butter, pepper, or anything. just keep it wrapped in its stock. (don't unfold any leaves or anything unless you're just literally about to eat it)

What kind of foods do you like to eat?

What kind of foods does your wife like to eat?

I can throw up some recipes if you like. and some quick make snacks.

And if you don't count calories, than just work portion control.
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I'm an avid chef so yes, by all means throw up some recipes for snacks and meals. Or PM me, I am always collecting recipes :D

That's exactly how I cook my corn, I get it fresh from farmers market, leave the husk on, wrap in tinfoil, drop in oven (or grill if I can get access to one)

I can't really get into WHAT I like cause I like almost anything out there, but I am just not adventurous in the veggie department. I'd probably like things but I'm always nervous about fixing new things :P

Spices play a huge role in my cooking (I have something like 20-25 different spices that I use) and I never measure anything. I generally go to taste and only measure if it's the first time cooking something.
I'm an avid chef so yes, by all means throw up some recipes for snacks and meals. Or PM me, I am always collecting recipes :D

That's exactly how I cook my corn, I get it fresh from farmers market, leave the husk on, wrap in tinfoil, drop in oven (or grill if I can get access to one)

I can't really get into WHAT I like cause I like almost anything out there, but I am just not adventurous in the veggie department. I'd probably like things but I'm always nervous about fixing new things :P

Spices play a huge role in my cooking (I have something like 20-25 different spices that I use) and I never measure anything. I generally go to taste and only measure if it's the first time cooking something.

I hear you on that, do you like foods with a bite? Or kinda sweet tasting? (like which do you kinda prefer?)

I'll be adding some recipes to the recipe thread. If you have any ideas of something that'd sound interesting (like oriental, italian, feeling kinda german, or Greek, etc. I definitely have recipes)
I lost 50 lbs on South Beach. All it took was a $5 book and my making a conscious change in what I buy & put in the house. It is a great program for a lot of people because its about re-learning what good foods are & re-introducing them into your diet. I've been on a modified version of the program for years and love it. There are literally dozens of sites with recipes. Its not huge in CT but I found spaghetti squash was a great substitute for pasta when I was craving it.

Whenever I find that I've hit a new plateau I look to add some variety to my workout program which helps. Adding in a new move, or even doing the same exercises but in a different order adds to 'muscle confusion which helps you to burn more calories.

Good luck on your new life style and keep us posted! Don't give up if you're feeling discouraged. Just know that you're doing this to make a positive change in your life and keep at it. And if you have a few bad days it doesn't mean that you have to give up all together.
I can throw up some recipes if you like.

Bulimia nervosa is a very unhealthy way to lose weight. :glare:

Seriously though, I am quite interested in this thread and wish you luck.
I'm a big guy myself (although my wife is kind and doesn't nag me about it).
allrecipes.com is my favorite place to browse although it's gotten harder to navigate over the last few years.

I like it all, I PREFER spicy food and other things with a bite (and hence my love for Thai, Indian, etc). Indian is my favorite food to fix and eat, it's so complicated and the aromas are so good and yet it's really easy to make in general.

will have to find this recipe thread and post some of mine.
Bulimia nervosa is a very unhealthy way to lose weight. :glare:

Seriously though, I am quite interested in this thread and wish you luck.
I'm a big guy myself (although my wife is kind and doesn't nag me about it).

LOL I'm a big guy too, (not all in fat though) dropping body fat is also a goal of mine (I plan on getting below 17% BMI, which would put me at 276lbs because of my frame, and muscle mass)

What are everyone else's BMI goals?
BMI is a bunch of BS. A true test of body composition is a Body fat %. I had a VA (veteran's affair) doctor and a doctor for a physical tell me I was morbidly obese based on the BMI on their height to weight scale. I'm 5' 11" and 220 lbs. I'm not skinny but morbidly obese is a ridiculus statement.
BMI is a bunch of BS. A true test of body composition is a Body fat %. I had a VA (veteran's affair) doctor and a doctor for a physical tell me I was morbidly obese based on the BMI on their height to weight scale. I'm 5' 11" and 220 lbs. I'm not skinny but morbidly obese is a ridiculus statement.

How'd they calculate your BMI? Did they just put Ht, Wt, into a comp? If so, it's a BS BMI.

They have to measure around your neck, and measure around your stomach. than do height and weight.

Me? I'm 6'4, 315lbs. with a 22% BMI, BMI is your body fat to lean tissue.
I lost 50 lbs on South Beach. All it took was a $5 book and my making a conscious change in what I buy & put in the house. It is a great program for a lot of people because its about re-learning what good foods are & re-introducing them into your diet. I've been on a modified version of the program for years and love it. There are literally dozens of sites with recipes. Its not huge in CT but I found spaghetti squash was a great substitute for pasta when I was craving it.

Whenever I find that I've hit a new plateau I look to add some variety to my workout program which helps. Adding in a new move, or even doing the same exercises but in a different order adds to 'muscle confusion which helps you to burn more calories.

Good luck on your new life style and keep us posted! Don't give up if you're feeling discouraged. Just know that you're doing this to make a positive change in your life and keep at it. And if you have a few bad days it doesn't mean that you have to give up all together.

Everyday, change your routine. Add another set, or change up the order of your workout.

Even the type of exorcise.


If you do Bench, Incline, Military Press, than Push-ups (Push Ups for the Aerobic, and the weights, make sure min of 10 reps per set. max of 15 per set, you'll build strength faster, that's how it's always worked for my body anyways...)

Mix in dumbbells.

Like Bench Press, than dumbbells for incline, than push-ups, than military press, always mix it up. No two days of the same muscle group should be the same.

And focus on "categories". Arms, chest, deltoids one day, back and abs the next, and legs the day after that. 1 day rest, back and abs, arms chest deltoids, etc. etc. etc. Always mix it up.

I guarantee you'll never plateau doing this. (My bench went to nearly 400lbs after going an entire year without weight lifting, starting back down to 180lb bench, within a year I almost got 400lbs, stopped at 385lbs bench. You'll never plateau if you mix it like above, muscle confusion will occur each and every single workout...)
The gym is a good place. We have one in our little town and our EMT's long range plan is to get everyone in shape. Soda is a bad thing for sure, anything with high fructose corn syrup is so check the ingredients of everything you eat and drink. Eat alot of veggies and salads, too.
Good luck and keep in touch with us! Maybe we could do a team loss thing on here and the team that loses the most weight wins?????
The gym is a good place. We have one in our little town and our EMT's long range plan is to get everyone in shape. Soda is a bad thing for sure, anything with high fructose corn syrup is so check the ingredients of everything you eat and drink. Eat alot of veggies and salads, too.
Good luck and keep in touch with us! Maybe we could do a team loss thing on here and the team that loses the most weight wins?????

Seconding the HFCS. Check all your food, my wife and I buy organic when we get something that usually has it. It sounds hippy but that's the only way to get it without the crap. Some things you might not realize that have it:

Juices (a duh but many people don't realize this)

Almost anything with liquids can have HFCS, also check to see if it has partionally (sp) rehydrogenated oil or whatever it is. That's not good for you either.

Some things my wife and I always get are:

Organic Ketchup
Northland Juice (comes in Cranberry, Raspberry Cranberry, and Cranberry Grape) It's a GREAT juice that uses other juices (primarily apple) to sweeten it.
Tropicana with some Pulp (again, no HFCS, just sugar)

Granted these aren't GREAT for you, but they are better than the alternatives.