Forum Crew Member
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I'm a veritable laugh riot!
It's a bit sad thought that one can't raise interesting questions on how we approach care in certain cirumstances without the automatic response being personal attack, or a scintillating gem of debate such as ""
It is a very interesting and very vaild question of how and where we spend out limited healthcare dollar, but areas such as transplantation or geriatric care for example seem to be off limits for some reason, despite the enormous cost associated. For example, it is estimated (depending on who you read) that up to 70% of the health care dollar is spent on people in their last year of life, which somewhat begs the question of whether that money could be better spent elsewhere.
Organ donation however is not so clear cut. Kidney transplantation for example seems to bring a net benefit of around $90k a year; however figures for other types of transplantation are not so clear, and changing demographics will impact on how and where this money is spent.
Ultimately though, I think that what is the most concerning is not the lack of rational debate that can be enterered into, but the utter lack of reading comprehension that many people seem to exhibit. To recap my first post:
"From a purely utiliatarian point of view" Note that this does not necessarily meant that this is the viewpoint that I espouse, merely one that may be debated. This would perhaps be reinforced by my other lines such as
"Would I want one of my family members to recieve an organ should they need it? Of course! Just saying is all...
I'll happily donate my cadaver so the next generation can learn. And admire my tattoos.
Perhaps some remedial reading classes could be paid for by some companies for CE credits
Note that I didn't disagree with you; I merely commented on the state of your overall party-worthiness. I would like to subscribe to your newsletter, etc, and I am happy that epic lulz occurred anyway. ^_^
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