So here is my question.
You have a pt with a temp of 103.7(tempanic), pt is found at care facility recovering from CVA. Safe to assume no care prior has been given. Pt is non-responsive, AOx0, gcs 3. Rate is 140-165 sinus tach on the monitor. Bp is 140/100. Pt is hot, sweating profusely. Pt is on a trach with a t-piece (5lpm). Facilty called due to elevated temp and heart rate, everything else is "normal."
You want to cool the pt enroute, you do the whole ice pack thing. Where I am lost is my medic had a choice between using NS that has been on a iv warmer x8hrs(obviously warm but not hot) or NS that is in a fridge/cooler (hypothermia therapy/environmental emergency saline). I suggested we use the cold saline to bring his temp down. He goes with using the warm saline, his reasoning being that it is still cooler than the pt.
What would you do in this situation? Transport time is 15min
I am just trying to learn...i would like to know if my thinking was correct and if it isn't, why.
Thanks for the replies
Ok, so let's review:
s/p CVA, A&Ox0 with GCS 3
HR: 140-165 STach
BP: 140/100
RR: unk
Temp: 103.7* tympanic.
SpO2: 100% on 5L/Min via T piece through a trach.
On 2 Abx.
What's going on? He's going septic. And not a nice one at that. Since he's also got a history of HTN, I wonder about what his normal SBP is. I'd be willing to bet it's normally higher than than 140... He's profusely sweating, feels hot, has a probably lowering BP from a likely baseline. I also wonder about breath sounds.
IMHO, he needs fluid at the moment. Just use the fluid in the warmer. I currently see no immediate need to try to aggressively actively cool this patient.
I'd say transport, give boluses to start filling the tank, so to speak. Get ahead of him as once his HR comes down, he's going to crash. He's relatively hypovolemic and he may be relatively hypotensive compared to his norm. Why? His "container" got bigger or it's leaking. He's sweating still because that part of his body hasn't run out of fluid yet. (credit to usalsfyre) The flushed appearance does highly suggest inappropriate vasodilation to me as well. He's got fluid going to places where it shouldn't be...
Did anyone find any documents that state what his baseline vitals are? If he's normally running, say, 180/120 (MAP 140) and he's now at 140/100 (MAP 113)... well, that's nearly a 40 point drop over a short time from what his body is likely acclimated to. Take someone whose BP is normally 120/80 and drop it fairly quickly to 86/60... what happens?
In any event, I would expect that in-hospital treatment is likely to be what usalsfyre suggested, and an attempt to treat with different ABX, by IV if indicated.
Personally, I think that this patient is going to have a rough time, if he survives.