Old school Military 1st Aid training


Forum Captain
Can you imagine this was basic 1st aid training During WW1
I enjoyed watching that.

Just a thought, as I have no BA in History and am but a simple Paramedic who is a history buff.

WW I was a LONG time before 1938, at least when I learned history (I do realize that in the last few years many have been rewriting history, anatomy, etc., so I guess that may have changed now)

LOL, sorry, couldn't resist, but thank you for posting this!

1938 - First Aid Movie - The Surgeon General.01 .jpg
1938 - First Aid Movie - The Surgeon General.02 .jpg
I feel like I'm WEMT qualified now after watching that lol.

Amazing how much things have changed while staying the same (in broad strokes of nothing else). Bit crazy they had the dedicated bandage container and dressings, knew enough to train on Tourniquet, but didn't actually make and provide a dedicated TQ (vs nowadays where I don't think I ever had fewer than 2 or 3 TQ on my kit when I deployed...)

I low key like the tinned bandage, vs one time tear then toss plastic. Sure the plastic is lighter and prob cheaper, but the tin can be reused, recycled and prob does a better job protecting the contents before opening